Chapter Fifty-Seven

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Let me know which direction you guys want the story to go in or if you want me to just kept writing the way I've been. I want to keep it interesting. 😂

February 11th

Kaleb was up all night. I think he was getting a cold. I sat in the living room rocking him back and forth while slowly walking around. I was so tired he wouldn't stop crying. I phoned my mom to see if she could help me out. "Hello" she said. "Mom I need your help" I said in a tired voice. "Baby is everything okay it's 2:30 in the morning" she said. "No. I think Kaleb is getting a cold. He won't stop crying. He isn't wet, he isn't hungry. I just don't know what to do" I said. "Did you try putting on some music or running some water. Babies like soothing sounds" she said. "Okay I'll try that" I said. "Ok hunny call me back if you need anymore help" she said. "Okay Mom love you" I said and hung up the phone. I went onto YouTube and put on a kids lullaby. I walking around the living room with Kaleb in my arms and hummed the song. Sure enough it worked and he was asleep. Hopefully for the night. I put him down and went back to bed. "Is everything okay" ethan mumbled wrapping he arm around me. "Yah minus the fact that I almost had a mental breakdown" I said. I hadn't gotten my period since I had the twins but I was expecting it to come soon because I was having really bad cramps lately. Around four in the morning I heard cries come from the baby monitor. "E. Babe" I said shaking him. "It's your turn" I mumbled. I felt the blankets shuffle and heard him walk out of our room. He was back with in five minutes I'm assuming it was just a diaper change. We had our appointment in the morning so I had an alarm set for 8:00 giving us two hours to get ready in the morning. When my alarm went off I hit stop and got out of bed. "Uggghhh" I said as I moved the blankets. Ethan sat up "whats wro.." he was about to finish but he saw the bed sheets. "It's okay" he said giving me a kiss. I took my pants and underwire off and got a tampon from under our bathroom sink. After I was done ethan helped me put the sheets in the washer and then we both got ready. I had a quick shower just to wake myself up. For my outfit I wore black ripped jeans, a black t-shirt, a army patterned jacket, and black converse. Then I curled my hair and did my makeup. Ethan wore black ripped jeans, and a red sweatshirt with black converse that had a red heart on them. Ethan and I both made breakfast together and then after we would get the twins ready. We ate while looking though our social medias. After breakfast we got the twins ready. I started by feeding Connor and Ethan got Kaleb ready. Then we switched. Once the boys were in there car seats and had blankets covering them we grabbed the vlog camera and left the house. As Ethan drove to the clinic where the twins appointment was booked I started the vlog. I set up the camera on the dashboard so ethan and I were both in the shot. "Good morning guys. Currently we are headed to a check up for the twins which is like a hour away from our house" I said. Ethan and I talked as he drove though traffic. When we finally got to the hospital that the appointment was at I took the stroller out of the trunk and locked it in place. Then we placed the twins car seats in the spots for them and I pushed the stroller inside while Ethan vlog. "Okay we just got here. Hopefully everything is good and the twins are progressing the way they should be" he said. I signed the twins in and they lady told me that the last appointment canceled and we could head into room 4 that was just down the hall. Ethan and I went in with the twins we sat in the chairs that were in the room. We heard a knock at the door then the doctor walked in. "Good morning. I'm doctor Sheila" she said and opened the file for the boys. "So they are just over one month" she asked. "Yes they are a month and nine days" I said. "Have you noticed anything out of the ordinary with the boys behaviour. Such as lack of eating or any other problems" she asked. "Nope. The only thing that I'm concerned about is Kaleb. Last night he was crying for almost two hours straight. He wasn't hungry, nor was his diaper full. He finally calmed down when I put on music but it took a while" I said. She asked us to take the twins out of their car seats and take off there tops. We did so then she asked us to place them on the bed. She listened to their heartbeats and did a few other test. "They seem to be doing perfectly fine" she said. "But it does say that they need to get one immunization" she said. She gave me a form to read over and fill out as she prepared the needles. She gave Kaleb his needle first. Of course he started screaming and crying. "You can put his close on now" she said. Ethan did that while I watched her give Connor his shot. His reaction was no different than Kaleb's. "Shhh shhh shhh mommy here" I said picking him up and putting his clothes on. Ethan was getting Kaleb in his car seat. Once he was done he finished getting Connor dressed while the doctor gave me more information and pamphlets. She said that I could phone and book the next appointment for a month from now because they needed to get a shot every month until they were a year old. Ethan and I took the twins back to the car. I told Ethan that I would drive home because I knew how much he hated driving and especially traffic. The twins slept the whole ride home without fussing. When I got home I phoned and booked the next appointment for March 8th at 11:00 again. The twins sleep all day because of the shots it makes them tired afterwards. Ethan and I watched a movie while cuddling.

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