Chapter 33

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I opened my eyes. The bright sunlight made me close it back. I covered my head with the pillow to allow myself to fall back asleep.

"Ugh" I groaned in annoyance.

I needed to go to the bathroom. But the softness of this bed didn't allow me to move. Guess I needed to get my priorities checked out. I really needed the bathroom.

With another groan I forced myself out of bed. More like fell from the bed. I took a deep breath and sat back up. I looked around the room. I didn't have the time to take a look yesterday. The room was beautiful. It had an old style. With another look at the room I was now sure that it actually was old.

The first thing that caught my eyes was the breathtaking vanity standing in the corner of the room.

The walls were a creamy light color

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The walls were a creamy light color. The floors made of wood. There was a beautiful wardrobe which looked like something from the nineteenth century. The bed sheets were creamy white with lilac colored pillows.

I slowly made my way out of the room. Now, where was the bathroom?

I looked around the hallway. There were so many doors. How was I supposed to find the bathroom? I would surely end up getting into the wrong room. Like a room filled with drugs which I wasn't supposed to see. Or I would find a room where Christopher keeps his dead body's. Surely I would get myself killed. I shuddered at the thought.

With the thoughts in my mind I walked forward. Alright, Gabriella. Just try not to break anything. Or get killed, I reminded myself.


I jumped up. Felix was leaning on the wall beside me wearing nothing but a pair of sweatpants.

"You scared me" I admitted.

"Didn't mean to" He chuckled.

"What are you looking for? Do you need help?"

"Yeah, I was actually looking for the bathroom" I muttered.

"Oh, I'll show you. Follow me"

As I walked behind Felix I tried not to look at his body too much. He sure as hell was working out. I felt a blush raise up on my face as I noticed he had stopped and was now raising a dark eyebrow at me.

"Checking me out?" He smirked.

"Yeah" I admitted.

"Didn't see anything special though. I've seen better" I added.

"I'm sure you have" He smirked motioning his head towards the door. I chuckled and got inside the bathroom. I did everything that was needed and got out.

To my surprise Felix was still there.

"All good now?"

"Yeah, I think I lost a good two killos" I chuckled.

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