I give my details to the attendant and I'm escorted through. I can see him waiting for me and my heart flutters. He hasn't seen me yet and his repeatedly eyes scan the area. I watch him look at his watch and start to bite his thumbnail.  When our eyes meet, he visibly relaxes and my heart skips a beat. The world seems as though it has stopped turning and we are the only two people here. Although I walk towards him, I'm scared to make a sound because this should all be a dream and any sudden noise could send me hurtling back to reality. I can't believe that this beautiful man is actually waiting for me.

When I am level with him I look up into his eyes and he puts his arm around me and kisses the side of my temple. The intimate gesture turns my insides to jelly. He looks so at ease when he takes my hand. "I'm sorry about all that. I just want to protect you and keep you to myself. This is my line of work, not yours and I don't want them hassling you."

"I understand, please don't worry." I smile at his protectiveness while he leads me through to the departure lounge. I look at the board and there are several flights that leave in the next hour.

We stand side by side looking at the departure board and I look at him and raise my eyebrows quizzically. "I was going to drag it out." He smirks like a child "But I can't hold it in any longer." He pauses and I poke him playfully in the stomach.

"Come on." I laugh while I look at the board again, scrolling through all the potential locations.

"Paris." He whispers into my ear and I jump at the feel of his breath on my skin. I clap my hands and turn back to face him, both of us grinning at each other. "That OK?" He turns serious and I try to look as though I'm a little disappointed. "Have you been before?" He asks as his cheeks flush.

I burst out laughing. "No Daniel. I haven't. This is perfect, thank you."  Without warning he kisses me on the lips... gently and sweetly full on the lips. When he pulls away I'm trembling, but he seems oblivious to my reaction as he laughs and looks rather pleased with himself.

The flight lasts under an hour, but there is not a minute of silence between us. We drink champagne despite the early hour and Daniel tells me about his early career and all of the rejection he experienced. I'm shocked at how much hard work actually went into his career and I love to watch the passion on his face when he talks about his job. I'm completely in awe of how much he has achieved compared to me. I tell Daniel as much as I dare about my past and it is pale in comparison to Daniel's high flying life. But he still listens intently as I speak.

"I met Ed when I was fifteen, he was a cocky sixth former and all the girls fancied him. He asked me out when I was in my last year of school and we were inseparable. I met my best friends Caroline and Sarah on the first day of university and I adored them both straight away. They both always wanted to move to London as soon as we graduated and I got swept up in it all. While Ed stayed with us he heard us talking about moving to London and shortly after he proposed." I take a second to gather my thoughts because this is all still very raw for me to talk about. "I accepted and we were married straight out of university. Rather than move to London with the girls, I went to work for his father's business as Head of Marketing." I stop again wondering how much to confess and have another sip of champagne. He seems to sense my reluctance to carry on and jumps in.

"I played the field in my younger days, especially when I started to do well for myself. I met Lucy when I was twenty-five and she grounded me. She had just come out of a serious relationship and made it clear that she was looking for something serious again. We got engaged twelve months later and got married a few months after that. I told her I wanted kids, but she said she wasn't ready because of her career and that never changed. We were married for four years and then she went back to her ex." Daniel shakes his head. "When Lucy left I struggled with things, I wasn't very professional. I couldn't face the social side of my job at all. Then I lost a role I really wanted because of my behaviour and it gave me the kick up the arse I needed."

I listen without interrupting because he seems lost in his past. "My agent set me up on various fake dates with actresses and models, so that the press would see us. It helped both of our careers and they were always aware it was a publicity stunt. It worked! Offers started to come in again because I was back in the limelight. There was nothing to any of these dates. But I do want to be completely honest with you Lizzie; I feel that it is so important that we're honest. I'm not proud of it, but once I ended up having sex with an actress after one of those arranged dates. I regretted it straight away and the next day I told her that I was sorry but it couldn't go anywhere. I told my agent after that night that I wasn't willing to be put out there like some commodity to market. I filed for divorce and have enjoyed a quieter life, concentrating on my work since then." Daniel looks at me, clearly worried about my reaction. There is a knot in my stomach, but I don't let on that I feel jealous.

I use the opportunity to finish my edited history. I clear my throat and take another sip of champagne. "I thought we would be happy. I carried on working for Ed once his father had retired. I wanted children, but Ed would always say that we weren't ready and that he wanted to live a bit first. That hurt me because it was always about him. Anyway, you already know he cheated on me and that I left him the same day. I boarded a train with just a suitcase to my name and two years later ... here I am." I blink away the pain and Daniel takes my hand. We smile at each other as if we understand each other's pain.

"Let's make a pact not to mention Ed or Lucy again on this break and that we will leave our pasts on the plane ready to pick them back up on our way home. I think that Paris should be a baggage-free zone." We clink glasses.

"Sounds perfect to me."

- what you guys think of Daniel's surprise? Please let me know any comments of thoughts you have. Also, please vote if you're enjoying it -

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