Chapter 24: Training

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The kingdom was more discouraged by the betrayal of Aaronarra then I'd ever seen. Cries of dismay drowned out the ever present sound of the ocean. Their despair was understandable. According to the books I'd read, sea howlers had sided with Undines for centuries until Aaronarra's betrayal.

"Please," I begged. "We are strong. I understand that the sea howlers have always protected us, but times are changing, and like the tide, we also must change." The cries quieted, but didn't disappear. "I know that you're all afraid and mournful. I am too. I was close with Aaronarra, as short as our time was, but let me carry your burdens for you. I will carry you all to victory, and safer seas!"

At least I hope I can. What if I let them down...? The crowd was quiet before they erupted into applause. I shook the thought away and took a step back so my father could speak. He started explaining the kingdoms need for soldiers and defense, especially with the barrier down. When the meeting was finished, I followed Connor to the arena for more training.

"Would you like to learn some new techniques?" He asked as I underwent a warm up regime. 

"Sure." He began guiding me through the positions and movements, which were far more complicated than I'd expected. By the time we finished, I could barely put my sword away because of how sore my arms were. Connor decided then to show me some stretches to improve my flexibility and remove any tension from my muscles.

"If you do these stretches and moves every day your muscles will grow stronger," Connor told me. "Then you'll be able to take on those big guys." He jerked his head over to the group of bulky soldiers, including the one I'd barely defeated several days before.

"I already took one of them down," I said stubbornly, crossing my arms and looking him up and down.

"I know, and you were very smart during that fight, but what if you had been injured? What if your concentration was impaired due to blood loss? Then, hopefully, these moves would be able to help you."

I nodded and muttered several words that made Connor laugh. We began helping the fresh soldiers who'd volunteered to help with the possible battle. Connor did most of the helping I'll admit, I was too sore to do much at that point. 


I woke up early the next morning and forced myself to go to the arena. I ran through the positions I'd learned yesterday then did my stretches. I repeated the motions again, and again, and again. I was going to be ready for this war, if it ever came.

I tied up my hair and engaged in a match with one of the soldiers. A crowd gathered just like before and, as if I was living the same moment over again, the bulky hulk soldier again challenged me.

I swallowed, I wasn't counting on my strategy working a second time. The Gorilla lunged and I leapt over his sword but he reached up and grabbed my leg, pulling me out of the air. I was slammed against the marble with a groan. Connor bent beside me but I gently pushed him away before he could speak a word. 

"Let me finish this," I moaned. Connor reluctantly rejoined the crowd.

I stood and rolled my shoulders back, grinding my teeth. My muscles were stronger, leaner, more defined. I could twist and stretch more than I'd thought possible, and I'd taught myself how to strike with strength but also reserve energy. Using my newly found skill and endurance, I felled the man, the tip of my sword pressed to his neck.

He knocked the point of my sword away in anger and stood up. The crowd cheered as he stomped away. I met Connor's eyes in the crowd and he gave me a small nod of approval. The crowd ceased cheering and sank to one knee as I walked past, respect and reverence on their features. I held my head high, hoping I portrayed the strong warrior I was striving to become. 

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