Chapter 23: Tremors

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We ran out of the castle, into the rocking waves. Dust clouded the water and multiple buildings were cracked beyond repair.

"We just finished repairs from the last disaster," I muttered, gazing hopelessly at the fallen structures.

"When this is over, you'll be happy if we have enough Undines to repair anything," Connor said grimly.

My eyes swerved to study him. "I think that's a bit of an exaggeration." 

"No. It's not." He pointed skyward and I followed his line of sight, gasping.

The barrier. The barrier that hid Trocien from view was... breaking? "I don't understand. How can the barrier be breaking? That's... That's impossible." My eyes were wide upon the shimmering bubble that concealed the underwater city. A large rift had opened in it's surface, letting murky, polluted waters inside.

"It's supposed to be. The only explanation I can think of is that someone broke it. But who would do that? And why?"

"I don't know, but right now we need to focus on how to fix it."

Connor nodded agreement. The barrier was invisible, the only reason you could tell it was breaking (besides the quakes) was the tear exposing the polluted water outside of Trocien. Colors rippled across the arched barrier, making it temporarily visible.

Someone came up behind me. "Is there a way to fix it?" Connor asked whoever had arrived.

"Yes," Eriladar said. "Aaronarra can repair it - but I can't seem to find him anywhere." He peered over his shoulder as if expecting the beast to appear. 

"Could... Could mother fix it?" I asked hesitantly.

"Even if she could, she's too far away to reach us in time. You may be our last hope." 

"Me?!" I cried. "What can I do?"

"Use your ability. Your instincts will take over. You have to try." He repeated.

I wilted. Eriladar placed his hands on my shoulders and I met his eyes. "You have to try."

I nodded and pushed myself up, the water occasionally sending me off course as the tremors shook it. I'll never reach the barrier at this rate... I thought. An idea popped in my head. I could use the water to push myself up, but what if I disappear again?

As if in reply, the ground groaned beneath me and an ear piercing crack signaled the formation of a gaping chasm in the stone. Screams echoed in the darkness as several Undines fell through the rip in the ground before it could be filled with water.

I took a deep breath and lifted my hands. I closed my eyes and felt the water rushing through my veins, felt myself take control. I reopened my eyes and watched the city grow further and further away from my feet in awe. By the time I reached the barrier, my arms were shaking, and I released control of the ocean. Cold water poured in through the torn barrier, forcing the rip wider with every second of hesitation.

Maybe I can plug it... I took on the ocean again, groaning from the effort. I sent the water forward, blanketing it over the hole in the barrier.

My entire body shook like the ground below. I saw Eriladar coming towards me in the corner of my eye and screamed, "Get mother! I can't hold it!" He nodded mutely and doubled back. I didn't know how he was supposed to find her, but he would have to. I stayed there, suspended in the water, for about an hour. Telling time was hard while bending the ocean. I could scarcely tell if I'd been there for eternity of seconds. Just before I was about to relinquish my hold, I caught sight of an approaching figure. 

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