Chapter 15: Blood In The Water

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Screams. Restless waters. Shadows.

I woke up covered in sweat. They were coming. I could feel it in the salt water coursing through my blood.The Shadows.

Rising despite the sun's continued slumber, I put on a white dress and grabbed my sword. I thought about putting on my armor too, but it would take too long. I stepped into the hallway and was met with eerie silence. Steeling myself, I made my way towards Eriladar's study. As soon as he'd granted me entrance, I pulled open the heavy wooden door and slipped inside. Eriladar sat at his desk looking over a piece of paper. He looked up when I shut the door.

"What's wrong?" He stood immediately and approached me.

"They're coming," I said. And before I could explain further, our attention was wrenched towards the window as a piercing shriek broke through the waters. As if on cue, the windows cracked and an arrow cut through the water, headed straight for Eriladar's chest. He fell back a second before it pierced him. 

"Evacuate the building!" Eriladar shouted, pushing me out ahead of him. "Find Connor and keep away from the danger!" 

Fire struck me. "Are you serious? After all the training, all the hours of dedicated focus and you still won't let me get out there!"

"You can't hold the ocean, don't even try it!"

"I don't need to use my water bending to fight!" I shouted back. Another arrow soared through the broken glass, this time at me. I dropped to the floor and watched it whistle over my head. "Why don't you trust me?"

"I won't argue with you anymore!" He yelled. "I'll lock you in the dungeons if I have to Melody!" 

"You can certainly try!" I whirled around and flew from the room. 

Most of the palace residents had already awoken and hid. I sent a group of guards to check the rest of the chambers and evacuate any occupants then ran out to join the fight. Hopefully Eriladar hadn't sent anyone to find me, but it was probably unrealistic to expect anything less. A thousand thoughts bombarded my mind. I couldn't seem to think straight. And suddenly I whipped around and saw her



It was hell. All we could see ahead of us was a wave of cold darkness.

Eriladar floated ahead. I searched for Melody, but there was still no sign of her. Eriladar probably didn't want her to fight this one. I know I didn't.

A cacophony of screams and shrieks intensified as the black mass closed the distance between us. The noise was disorienting and for the first time since I'd joined the guard, I was shot with pure fear. 



"Amara," I tried the name out on my lips.

"I wondered if you'd remember me," she drawled, her voice like poison.

I have a battle to fight, I thought. 

She laughed, a bone chilling sound. "A battle? Oh honey, this is a war. You said so yourself."

So she can read my mind. Nice to know.

I ran at her, raising my sword.

She cackled and easily parried the blow, swirling my sword with hers. She flicked her wrist and sent my sword flying, just like Connor had a few days ago. The moment seemed like it'd happened years before. 

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