Chapter 2: Change

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I woke up to the smell of crepes and fresh strawberries. "Mmmmmm..." I mumbled, only half awake.

My hand hung over the edge of my bed, and it took a moment to realize that it was wet and sticky. I opened my eyes a smidge, and looked to see my parent's corgi, Hal, licking my hand mercilessly. "Hal!" I screamed, wrenching my hand away and leaping out of the covers, which had done nothing to spare me.

The small, caterpillar-like dog escaped quickly, leaving me to undo the damage he'd wreaked upon me. I stepped into my bathroom, the tile freezing my feet, and breathed in the ocean breeze wafting from the open window. I brushed out my hair then stepped in the shower, letting the hot water pound on my back and seep through my hair. After freshening up, I put on a light blue romper with white lace bordering the collar and edges. I pulled back my hair gently, and formed it into a messy braid, (it looked more like a tangled lump of blondness to me).

I wasn't up for talking to people yet so I settled on my bed and grabbed a magazine to skim through. Sunlight peeked through the lacy curtains, brightening the baby blue walls around me. My four poster bed was nestled in the corner, near enough to allow a gentle wind to weave through the window and tickle my skin. My desk was covered in crinkled papers, watercolors, and dried out paint brushes. Paintings hung across the walls, mostly visions of the sea and sky.

I stretched noisily then made my way down to the kitchen, abandoning the magazine on my bed. The creamy marble counters were crumb less, and my mother was at the stove tending to breakfast. Her long white dress cut across her ankles just enough to show her signature pearl anklet. Hot pink slippers hid her feet, squeaking as she shifted her footing. She'd pulled her amber hair back tightly, but that hadn't prevented it from the crepe batter's reach. She turned to me and flashed a blinding smile, her deep brown eyes shining. "Morning Red Riding Hood!" She said brightly. Unlike my dad, she was a morning person, up at the crack of dawn almost daily.

"You're never gonna give up that nickname, are you?" I sighed. I didn't even have to ask.

"Nope." Her smile stretched wider and she handed me a plate piled with crepes topped with powdered sugar, strawberries, whipped cream, and a drizzle of maple syrup. Beaming, I said, "I think I can live with that," then helped myself to the enormous breakfast. After finishing, I made my way to the main room, surprised to see my father sitting in his chair. My mother reclined on the couch next to him. "Wow dad, mom must be proud that you're up this early."

I glanced at the clock which read seven-thirty. He rubbed his eyes and shot a look at my mother that said, I shouldn't be up... "We have some exciting news for you," he said aloud.

News? I racked my brain for an answer. Maybe we're going on a cruise. Or maybe... None of my ideas seemed important enough to make my dad get up so early. "Melody, we're...moving." My mom said, wincing as my face turned to a look of shock and despair mixed together.

Moving? I must've heard her wrong... Yeah, that's it, I do that all the time... "Um, I must've heard you wrong, because I think you said...moving?" I drew the word out with disgust and watched their faces fall. "Are you serious? I've lived here my whole life! Mom?" I turned my wide eyes on her. The glint in her eye told me that this plan was set in stone.

"We're moving to Oregon. We heard it's nice and are ready for a change in scenery..." She trailed off, grabbing my dad's hand for support.

"Scenery?" I crossed my arms over my chest and imagined that I looked like a bratty two year old throwing a fit. Oh well. "Seriously?" I got up and left, storming up the stairs.


My parents said the city they'd chosen was popular for it's beaches and that they'd found a nice house secluded from the small town alongside the water. But will it be close enough? What if it isn't and I get sick?

I groaned and rolled over so I could stare at the ceiling. I hadn't cried... yet. I would have to call my friends and pack all my stuff... Ugh, this is going to be a nightmare!

The months flew by and I cried and embraced friends and said goodbye and "keep in touch" to just about everyone I saw. It was like a real life nightmare, and I was devastated. Oregon's so cold... I won't be able to swim or surf or even go outside... I told myself.

Finally the day arrived and we followed the long line of moving vans for hours as I left my beloved California crying in the dust. We drove along the beach for as long as we could so I didn't get nostalgic, but I still got sick often throughout the drive. I was glad to smell the ocean upon arrival but it was unbelievably faint, barely a whisper on the breeze. The house was white with a clean interior. The walls were dark green and light tan. There was a fireplace and we'd have to buy new furniture to match the walls...or we could just repaint. But I liked the earthy colors, (not as much as my blues, creams, yellows, and lavenders of course). The kitchen was cream with tile counters and maple wood cabinets. I made my way up the stairs to my room, relieved to see the walls were blue. The closet took up one wall, but it wasn't a walk-in, not that I needed one. Thankfully, there was a bathroom and its walls were white. It would be a nice place to hang my watercolors and add some bright hues to the blank white. My bed was already there, looking completely out of place. I dropped my bag on the floor and plopped down on my bed with exhaustion.

"This is going to be a long week..."

Sorry this chapter is so short, but big things are coming!
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