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"Tomlinson!" Bill yelled, as I walked through the front door of the shop.

"Hey." I replied, as I looked around the shop for what would be the last time. They both shook my hand, before Jack noticed that I wasn't in the work uniform, but in jeans and a t-shirt.

"Why aren't you in uniform?" Jack asked, causing Bill to ask the same. I shoved my hands into the front pockets of my jeans and sighed.

"That's what I came to talk to you two about," I began, looking down at my shoes. "I actually came to say I'm quitting." I added, causing the brothers to share shocked looks with each other.

"First Payne and now you?" Bill said, as I shrugged my shoulders and nodded. "May I ask why your leaving?"

I bit my bottom lip, taking a deep breath, before running my fingers through my hair. "I need to protect my wife and son." I told them, not bothering to go into grave details. I didn't want them to know I was leaving them to become an agent.

"We hate to see you leave, Louis." Bill told me, as he rested his hand on my shoulder. "You were the best damn worker we've ever had."

"But we told you when you first started: Family First." Jack added, patting my back. I gave them a small smile, before walking out to my car to grab my uniform. Once I returned, the brothers laughed at me, telling me to keep it. I smiled at my old uniform, before thanking them for the past few years.

That's when I took one last look at the shop, knowing that without it, I wouldn't have met Liam. Because Liam is the one that led me to Alice.


When I arrived at the agency, I was instantly intimidated. When Stan told me the place was huge, I thought he was merely exaggerating. I guess he wasn't lying.

As I walked into the building, Stan was waiting for me at the front desk. "You ready to get started? Your training isn't gonna start itself."

"What? No 'Hi Louis, how's the wife and son'?" I joked, as he rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Merely joking. Let's get started." I said, as I followed Stan towards the back.


•Third Person•

"First thing first," Stan stated, as he threw Louis a pair of shorts and a tank top. Louis looked at the clothes weirdly, before looking back up at Stan. "We need to get you into shape."

"Are you trying to say I'm fat?" Louis said, slightly offended.

"Your a wee bit chubby, mate," Stan joked, as Louis crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. "But we're gonna change that."

"I happen to like my chubby stomach, thank you." Louis muttered, before he changed out of his jeans and shirt and slipped on the clothes given to him.

An hour and a half went by before Louis was lying on the ground, sweat pouring down his face. He felt like his body was falling apart from the first thirty minutes of Operation: Get Louis In Shape.

"Your laying there and we're not even half way done. You amuse me." Stan said, as he wiped his face off. Louis looked up at his cousin and glared.

"You know, if we weren't related, I would've killed you an hour ago." He huffed, as he managed to stand up off the ground, his body aching. Stan laughed, patting Louis on the shoulder.

"We'll be doing this three times a week for the next month. Get used to it, mate." Stan stated, causing Louis to groan. "Quite your wining and get back to work, we still have a long way to go."

And with that, Stan resumed his torture to get Louis in shape. Because little does Louis know, being an agent is harder than he thinks.


-Logan, xxx

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