Twenty Six

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Being pregnant sucks. Especially when your having a baby that you didn't even want. But they were offering a lot of money just for me to bear their child, so I guess it's a win on both sides.

The thing I hated the most about all this was that I'm sacrificing my body just to give them a child. It's not my fault they chose the gay lifestyle. Goodbye perfect skin, hello stretch marks.

But the funny thing about this whole thing was that Zayn wasn't even any good. I hated every moment of it. But since it made him and his little husband happy, I let nature run it's course.

They would always talk to me during the day, becoming more and more annoying as the days passed by. It's times like that that makes me miss prison. Hell, this is worse than prison. The only time I was alone was when they were sleeping.

"I'm losing my mind, Ash. I can't handle seven more months of this." I told him, causing him to laugh at me. "This is not a laughing matter, Ashton."

"I'm sorry, Perrie, but you knew what you were getting into." He said, causing me to roll my eyes and grab the bridge of my nose. "Don't roll your eyes. You know it's the truth." He added, causing me to groan. I looked down at the bed I was given for the time being, following the patterns on it.

"I'm only doing this for the money, babe. Once I'm done with these two here, we'll runaway together; wherever you want."

"This is why I love you." He told me, his voice low and dark, sending chills down my spine. "Get some sleep."

"Trust me, I'm gonna be sleeping all day." I laughed, before I hung up and threw my phone onto the empty space beside me. I couldn't wait for this bastard to be born so I can leave and never return.

I stood up from the bed and walked down the hall to the bathroom. Once inside, I placed my hands flat on the counter, gripping it tightly, as I looked up and saw myself in the mirror.

My hair color was starting to fade, along with the tan. To say I started to panic would make me sound scared, and I was taught not to be scared over small things.

But I was scared. Tough Perrie Edwards was scared out of her mind, and I couldn't do anything to stop it. I scared that I'd go back to prison if my hair turns natural and I'm caught out durning the day. I'm scared I'll become to attach to a baby I don't even want. I'm just altogether scared.

I gripped the counter so tight, my hands were turning white, before I pushed myself off the counter and walked back to my bedroom and getting under the covers, falling asleep moments later.



-Next Morning-

"Stop it, Zayn." I laughed, as he continued to poke my sides. He smiled at me, before resting his chin on my shoulder and kissing my neck. I dropped the spatula into the counter in surprise, before I tried pushing him away. "Zayn, I mean it."

"What are you gonna do to stop me?" He whispered darkly, resting his chin back on my shoulder, his arms firmly around my waist. He pulled me closer to him, causing me to laugh quietly.

"Tell you and your friend to calm down." I spoke, causing him to pull away from me completely and throw his head back in laughter. I smiled, grabbing his hand and pulling him back towards me, kissing him on the lips quickly, before bringing my attention back to the pan of eggs.

"Just you wait till later." Zayn said darkly, before Sabrina appeared into the kitchen. "Morning, Harry made eggs. Would you like some?"

"Umm, sure. Do you have Nutella and peanut butter?" She asked, causing me to raise an eyebrow at Zayn. That's when I remembered she was a little over two months pregnant. Meaning the cravings were starting to kick in.

"Yeah, we do. I can grab them for you. Just sit and relax." I said, before she sat and waited for the food. Once she was given everything she scarfed it down. That's when she starting eating the Nutella and peanut butter with a spoon.

This was going to be a long seven months.


-Logan, xx

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