Isaac- Watch Yourself

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Request- Hey I was wondering if you could do a request where Isaac was hanging out with Scott at the McCall house and the reader is Scotts brother and she wakes up from a bad nightmare and Scott wasn't at the house only Isaac? If that makes sense haha

A/N- It makes perfect sense, hun. I hope you like it!

"No!" the shrill, helpless scream echoed off the walls of the empty library, and only then did you realize it was yours.
You didn't know how you had gotten to this point, only that Scott was splayed out on the stairs, blood spatter covering his skin as he stared up at you.
"Y/n," he breathed weakly, just as you reached out for him. "Help me."
You began to dart forward, but a rough hand grabbed your forearm and yanked you back. You stared at Theo in horror as he held you there, smirking in delight as your brother bled out.
"You can't help him at all," he remarked, nodding toward Scott on the floor. "You'd let him die."
"No," you whispered. "No, Theo, please. Please let me help him!"
"Nope," he told you simply, smirking down at you with bared teeth. "And now he's dead because of you."
You tore your gaze away from his vicious eyes and focused on Scott, who had now gone still. Theo's grip forgotten, you wrenched away from him and spilled to the floor on your knees. "Scott? Scott, please. Please, you can't die. Scott? Scott!"

"Scott! Scott!"
Isaac Lahey sat up in bed at the sound of your screams, blinking in the darkness of the McCall's spare bedroom. It had been his home for almost a year and he had been there long enough to know that screaming in the middle of the night definitely wasn't normal.
He shoved away the covers and practically sprinted into the hallway, looking around wildly for an intruder that wasn't there. Scott was sleeping over at Stiles' house and as the lanky human had told him pointedly, Isaac wasn't invited.
While the Alpha might not have been home, you definitely were and Isaac would know your voice anywhere. He had also been living with you long enough to know what you sounded like when you were having a nightmare, and judging by the yelling down the hall, that was exactly what was happening.
As soon as he realized what was going on, he sighed and padded down the hall to your room. You had been having bad dreams a lot lately, and after watching Scott die and come back to life, you had no shortage of terrifying memories to fuel them. Scott usually comforted you after, but when he wasn't home, Isaac saw it as his job to do so.
He pushed open your bedroom door and frowned when he saw you twitching in your sleep, hands fisting the sheets in terror.
"No," you were mumbling. "No, Theo."
Isaac reached down and shook your shoulder gently. "Y/n. Y/n!"
Your eyes flew open, darting down to the hand on your shoulder and then back up to Isaac's face in alarm. When you realized that you had been dreaming and that Isaac had woken you up, you knew Theo was gone.
You sighed and put your face in your hands, because this had happened more than once. With Scott spending so much time with Stiles and your mom working late shifts, you often woke up to Isaac sitting on the edge of your bed, staring down at you in concern. You felt ashamed that you kept waking him up and even more so of the memories that should have been dead and gone by now. Theo was dead and Scott was alive and that was what your brain, even in unconsciousness, should have known.
"I'm sorry," you breathed. "I woke you up again."
"Yeah," Isaac agreed, taking a seat on your mattress."But it's okay. You're scared. You can't help it."
"But it's over now," you protested. "Everything with the Dread Doctors, the's over."
"It is," Isaac stated. "But it was terrifying. You almost lost your brother, Y/n. I almost lost a best friend. I think we all have a right to have nightmares every once in awhile."
"But every night?" you questioned. "Is that normal?"
"I'm not sure," Isaac admitted. "But I know that they'll probably get better."
You were looking at him with raised eyebrows and Isaac could tell you wanted a certain answer, one he just couldn't give. "I...I'm not doing a very good job of comforting you, am I?"
You were silent and Isaac nodded quickly. "Right, uh, I think I'm making things worse so I'll just-"
He began to rise from your bed, but you quickly reached out to grab his hand. "Wait!"
He looked down at you in surprise and you quickly flushed, hoping he wouldn't be able to see your face in the darkness as you pulled away. "Sorry, it's're not making things worse. Would you...would you stay with me?"
"St-stay with you?" Isaac asked slowly.
"Is that okay?" you asked him. "I don't really want to be alone right now."
Isaac nodded quickly. "Yeah, of course."
You nodded and straightened out the covers you had kicked away in your sleep. As Isaac came around the side of the bed, you smiled and handed him a pillow before turning on your side. Isaac crawled under the covers beside you, briefly thinking about Scott.
"What's your brother gonna say if he comes in and sees me in bed with you?" he asked quietly.
"He knows I have nightmares," you murmured sleepily. "'Sides, it's not like we're cuddling."
"Yeah," he said softly, closing his eyes.
"Hey, Isaac?"
He opened his eyes in the darkness. "Yeah?"
"Why did you leave?" you asked suddenly.
"What?" he questioned.
"Like, why did you leave Beacon Hills?" you asked him. "I know you've been back for a few weeks. I just...I just wanted to know."
"I think I just needed to leave," he admitted quietly. "After Allison just became too much. I was sick of fighting for my life. I didn't want to watch anyone else die."
"So it wasn't because you didn't feel at home here?" you asked softly. "It wasn't because of something we did?"
Isaac blinked, surprise flooding through him. "What? No...Y/n, I've felt more at home here than I have anywhere else. I love you and...and I missed you guys a lot. That's why I came back honestly."
"I missed you too," you whispered. "I-I mean we missed you."
Isaac smiled and with a sudden burst of confidence, he reached out in the dark for your hand. "I missed you too, Y/n."
You blushed as you felt Isaac's fingers wrap around yours, but thank god he couldn't see your face in the dark. You squeezed back gently and closed your eyes, and the nightmares that had started that night were long forgotten.
Isaac stayed there until you fell asleep, intending to leave when you did, but as your breathing evened out, he realized he didn't really want to. He knew you wouldn't mind, so he simply closed his eyes and fell into unconsciousness.

Scott yawned and shuffled up the stairs, still out of it from getting a little more than two hours of sleep. It was around 9am and a Saturday, so he was sure you and Isaac would still be asleep, but as he walked past Isaac's bedroom, he saw the door wide open. He tilted his head as he saw that his friend's bed was empty and he walked down the hall, intending to check on you.
He quietly opened your door, but he nearly choked on his own spit when he saw you sleeping soundly, curled up against Isaac's shirtless chest. He could the edge of his friend's sweatpants sticking out from under the covers, but the fact that he was still in your bed caused his eyes to go wide.
At the sound of his name, both you and Isaac began to stir. It was he who realized that Scott was there first, but you quickly realized what was going on when Isaac sat straight up in shock. You scrambled away from him, staring at your brother with blazing red cheeks.
"H-hey, Scott," Isaac stammered.
"Scott," you stated, swallowing thickly. "Hey."
"Hi?" he offered questioningly. "Uh, what exactly-"
"I had a nightmare," you explained quickly. "And Isaac woke me up. I asked him to stay."
"Oh," Scott said with a frown. "Well, that was nice of him."
"Oookay," you drawled out, still red in the face. "Well, I'm going to take a shower."
In seconds, you were sliding out of bed and hurrying into the bathroom, slamming the door quickly. Isaac swallowed and hopped out of your bed, about to head back to his room, but Scott blocked the doorway with an odd look on his face.
"Are you dating my sister?" he asked.
"No!" Isaac said quickly. "No, no it wasn''s not like that."
"Okay," Scott said, nodding approvingly. "Do you want to?"
Isaac swallowed. "Uh, maybe. Would it not be okay if I did?"
Scott eyed him carefully. While you might have been his little sister, he knew Isaac was a good guy.
"Watch yourself, Isaac," he stated simply, before finally moving aside to let Isaac leave.
Isaac nodded quickly and hurried down the hall, but he couldn't help the smile on his face. Scott had given him his blessing, somewhat awkwardly, but he had still given it. Now, especially after last night, Isaac knew he had a chance with you.

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