Isaac- Share It With You

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6. "Christmas is the absolute best time of the year and I don't know who deprived you of holiday cheer, but I'm going to shove it down your throat until you agree."

"Oh my gosh," you breathed as you snuggled up to Isaac on the couch. "I cannot believe Christmas is three days away."

"Yeah," Isaac said softly.
You looked over at him and blinked. "What's wrong? Christmas is the best time of the year."
"I guess," he told you.
"Come on," you said with a laugh. "All the lights, the feel-good movies, the don't like any of that?"
"It's alright," he said with a shrug.
"Isaac," you said. "You have got to be kidding me. This is my favorite holiday, and it's gonna be yours too. I mean, seriously, who doesn't like Christmas?"
"I guess it was just never a happy time for me," he admitted.
You froze suddenly. Of course there was a reason Isaac didn't like Christmas. Of course you had been stupid enough to forget about his dad, and everything he had been through. You didn't know much about his mom or his brother, but after they had died, it had just been Isaac and his father, and you knew that Mr. Lahey was a monster.
"Oh my god," you breathed, your voice laced with guilt. "Isaac, I-I totally forgot about your dad. God, I'm such an idiot. I-"
"No, no, no," he told you quickly, grabbing your hand. "It's not your fault. I'm glad that Christmas was always good for you. It just wasn't for me, but I don't wanna ruin it for you."
"You couldn't ruin it for me," you said honestly. "I just want to share it with you, to show you how good it can be. Only if you want to, of course."
Isaac smiled. "Of course I do."
"Awesome!" you squealed. "Okay, so have you ever seen The Polar Express?"
"I think," Isaac said. "A really long time ago."
"It's my favorite Christmas movie," you told him. "I mean, the CGI was actually really outdated for the time, and it was kind of creepy now that I think about it, but it had a really good message. It was a sweet movie. We could watch that if you want. Oh! And we have to bake Christmas cookies...and I can make some hot chocolate!"
Isaac smiled at your excitement as you jumped up from the sofa. He was touched that you wanted to share this with him, and when you grabbed him by the hand and tugged him toward the kitchen, he felt his face breaking into a grin. No one had ever gone to this much trouble to share something they loved with him, and although he didn't have the best memories of Christmas, he was looking forward to making some more with you.

i know i know your probably like um excuse me you rat this isn't even an imagine its like 2 paragraphs long ugh learn how to write pshh trust me i know sorry its short

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