39. Pit Fighter (Bronn X Reader)

Start from the beginning

It wasn't long until they reached and area that screamed fighting pits. The air stunk of rotting flesh, many screams could reach anyone's ears, along with multiple scattered weapons stained with either wet or dried blood.

"Excuse me! My friend!" Tyrion called towards a roughish looking man. Rather tall and well built with a short clean cut of hair and a two sets of slash scars slicing over his left eye which looked like nothing but a bowl of milk. His good eye snapped towards the dwarf, even letting out a light growl that made Tyrion fearful and back away slightly.

"Well, we are looking for the best pit fighter, can help us find them?" Tyrion spoke, clearing his throat first. The man said nothing. Just pointing one of his three fingers to an arena. Many people were jogging in, passing a man who was calling out in a foreign language "Come and see! Come and see! The greatest pit fighter of all!".

"Thank you" Tyrion nodded, quickly walking away as if his presence was so annoying the stranger would end up killing him for it. Bronn just stared at him for a few seconds before following Tyrion, strutting all the way.

The arena was filled with cheers as many buyers stood around the pit. Tyrion had only managed to push his way through, finally getting a view of the deep square hole in the ground. Many scruffs in the dirt and old blood decorated the sand. Broken pieces of metal were chipped in all places as a single man walked on a podium.

"Today, I present the best pit fighter I have trained yet!" He shouted, wanting to make sure that everyone heard "A fighter who will do as you ask! A fighter who will murder your enemies! A fighter with the strength of five men! I give you Kēlio ossēnagon!!!".

The crowd stared in awe as the fighter stepped out from behind the gate. They were tall, not as tall as Bronn but slightly well built. Their face hidden behind a black and golden lion mask, the area around their eyes smudged with black so only their eyes could be seen.

 Their face hidden behind a black and golden lion mask, the area around their eyes smudged with black so only their eyes could be seen

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"Kēlio ossēnagon? What does that mean?" Tyrion asked as Bronn stood beside him.

"Lion slayer" Bronn answered, looking the fighter over.

"Well, I hope he didn't acquire that name from killing Lannisters" Tyrion chuckled nervously.

"To prove their skills Kēlio ossēnagon will face the very creature they are named after!" The announcer yelled as the opposite gate rose. A growl filled the pit as a large male lion stepped out, roaring at the fighter "The LION!".

 A growl filled the pit as a large male lion stepped out, roaring at the fighter "The LION!"

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