November 2017

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A/N: Almost done, I really hope you guys like this. I put a lot of effort and emotion into this -L

It was going to be our first anniversary together soon. I was so excited. Unfortunately, I had been very busy with work the past few days and we hadn't spent as much time together as we would've liked. We texted as much as we could, but rare were the times where we sat down together to just talk about what was going on in our lives at the moment. I had managed to book the day of our anniversary off in advance and I was looking forward to seeing you.

After much anticipation, the D-day finally came. I had prepared everything. We were going to have a candlelit dinner at a fancy restaurant and then go back to my place. I had arrived first, being the one who made the reservation. I saw you come in a black and white suit. You looked ravishing at first. Then I noticed the purple circles around your eyes as if you hadn't slept in weeks, even months. You were paler than usual, your jaw seemed sharper. My face dropped at the sight.

"Jonghyun... what happened?"

You smiled faintly, explaining that your medication had been keeping you awake and had been eating away at your appetite.

I believed you, because why shouldn't I? We talked a lot and I was relieved that things could go back to the way they were even after not seeing each other for quite some time.

We made love that night, but it didn't feel the same.

For You- Kim JonghyunWhere stories live. Discover now