January 2016

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A/N: Hey guys, so I'm gonna be posting a chapter based on the month that they're living. This is my second one, I hope you enjoy.

I met you again on the 20th, at a coffee shop near the SM building. You looked exhausted both physically and mentally. I wanted to say hello, but you looked so tired and I didn't want to bother you. Life had other plans though because just as you were about to leave, you accidentally spilled your cup of coffee all over my (white) blouse. I cringed at the sudden burning of my skin. Your eyes grew wide in disbelief.

"I am so sorry, Miss. I was in a rush and didn't see you there. Please let me buy you a new blouse."

"Uh, it-it's okay, I'm qui-quite clumsy myself." I almost inaudibly muttered.

"No, please. It's the least I could do."

You smiled again and I accepted, unable to resist your puppy dog eyes.

You kept your promise and bought me a new blouse, apologizing again for causing a mess. We talked a little bit, you asked me questions then and again. It was weird to have such an amazing and talented person take interest in me, but I cherished it for this would probably be the only time I got to talk to you. You made me laugh and I got to see a side of you I didn't know existed. Eventually, you had to get back to practice, but I was still thankful for the moments I got to spend with you.

On the 31st, I saw you for the third time. I couldn't believe the odds. You were walking down the street looking quite distracted. You took a deep breath and looked towards the sky. I stopped in my tracks, wondering what you were trying to do. You stayed like that for a few moments and when you lowered your head, your eyes met mine. A smile lit up your face as you walked in my direction. I turned around, making sure I wasn't dreaming and you were actually coming here to talk to me.

"We meet again."

You said warmly. I blushed.

"I'm Y/N by the way."

"Jonghyun. It's a pleasure."

I lowered my gaze to the ground, still in shock that you were in front of me once more.

"What brings you here, Y/N?"

"Oh, I just live around the corner and needed some things from the department store. What about you?"

"Felt like taking a walk. Fresh air does wonders for the soul."

You tried to fake a smile, but I wasn't naïve enough to believe it was genuine.

"I know it's not really my place, but did something happen?"

Your eyes twitched for a second as if you were surprised that I would ask such a thing.

"Of course not, I tend to overthink and thought some fresh air would clear my head."

I nodded, deciding to let it go. Before I could realize what I was doing, I found myself giving you my number.

"Well, if you ever need anything, call me. Sometimes a stranger is the best person to talk to."

I smiled, hoping you'd consider the offer. It was obvious that something was wrong, and I really wanted to help in any way I could.

For You- Kim JonghyunWhere stories live. Discover now