You were cussing yourself while hitting your head with the palm of your hand. 

The anxiety was building up inside your tummy. You needed to get the fuck out of here before Mr. Kim comes back. Desperately, you scanned the room in search of your clothes, but they were nowhere to be found. 

You carefully opened the heavy metallic door and stepped out of the room.

"Hello?" You called out but no one answered. 

Good, he's not home.

You walked down the black iron stairs to the spacious living room which was the one with the kitchen. The walls were made of brick here as well, just far higher around 4 meters. The two big windows were allowing plenty of sunlight into the grandiose rustical room.

A big black L-shaped leather sofa was positioned in the center of the area. Further behind it was a massive wooden dining table accompanied by 10 rustical draftsman task chairs that didn't look very comfortable. 

Wall facing the sofa was decorated with big flat-screened TV and gaming equipment, which were the most modern things you have seen so far in this apartment.

Even the kitchen appliances were rustical. Thinking about the kitchen, you realized you were hungry. Not only hungry but also dirty and sticky. You needed to find the bathroom before your bladder explodes. 

You remembered seeing a door right across the bedroom and hoped they were leading to the bathroom. You rushed up the stairs and pressed your palm on a cold door handle.

A sight of relief escaped your lungs and you stepped into the clean bathroom. Despite the industrial design, everything you have seen so far was extremely neat and clean.

It was still hard for you to connect this apartment to the image of Mr. Kim in a tight well-knitted suit which was obviously made according to his measurements. However, his physical appearance was the only thing you knew about him. 

You pulled out the white clean towels from under the sink and decided to take a shower, hoping that the weather and soap will cleanse your reputation.

Mid shower, you felt as if you had heard noises coming from the downstairs. You closed the water stream and reached for the towel to wrap your naked body. 

As the water sounds disappeared, the loud steps of shoes clacking against hard iron stairs became more and more prominent.

You stepped out of the shower and carefully approached the door, cursing yourself for not locking it. 

A sound of knocking of the opposite door broke through the air.

"Mr. Kim?" you said through the closed door, loud enough for the person on the other side to hear.

"Yes, it's me," he responded in a cultured, deep voice.

You observed the fabric on the floor, that was your panties and shirt a moment ago. You made a dissatisfied grimace, knowing that you will have to walk out on this man covered with a towel.

"Are you alright?" He questioned, and based on the sound of his voice, you knew that he was inches away from the door of the bathroom. 

"Yes, u-umm, just give me a second," you replied while frantically looking across the bathroom and trying to find some nonexistent piece of cloth to dress.

Desperately you opened the door holding the towel tightly with both of your hands as if your life depends on it. Your head was facing down towards his white sneakers. 

"Thank you so much, and I'm so sorry for causing you trouble. I am usually not like this," you spluttered.

"Umm it's fine, but please go and dress up," he said and looked away while putting his hand towards you "Here, I brought you clean clothes."

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