Chapter 16 - Hear me out..

Start from the beginning

"Look I know enough!" he exclaimed, making me flinch.

"Well enough isn't good enough for me." I whispered. "I'm not going to talk to you about someone who tore this family apart."

"Hear me out.." he started and I gave him my deadliest glare. He sighed. "You ever tried working things out with him? Like, going to visit and talk and see that he's better now. Way better.."

I took another step back away from him. His words just keep cutting me deep down inside. "I'm never visiting that man again in my life." I spat.

"Now, you're being ridiculous."

"How can you say these things? Heath, you don't know how I feel! You can't just expect me to forgive him after what he did to us." I shook my head.

"Didn't God say to forgive and forget?"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "So, why don't you forgive your dad?"

"It's not the same." his voice went stone hard and cold.

"Well, aren't you being hypocritical." I crossed my arms. "You can't want me to forgive my father, not knowing the crap we've been through with him, and then when I tell you to forgive your own you don't want to." I deadpanned.

"It is not the same." he repeated, sounding deadly.

"Well, the day you forgive your own.. I'll forgive mine. Until then, build a bridge and get over fucking it." I spat and I turned around and stormed to my room.

When I finally got close enough to my bed, I slammed down into it and curled up into a ball. I really don't want to think about that argument. I absolutely hate arguing with Heath. It's heart wrenching. But, what I hate most right now.. is the fact that he's trying to side with my father.

"You ever tried working things out with him? Like, going to visit and talk and see that he's better now. Way better.."

The thought invaded my mind, triggering other unwanted thoughts. I do not want to think of that man! I want nothing to do with him. Right now, I just want Heath out of this house. But, because I know the crap they go through at home I wouldn't dare throw him out.

Why can't he understand me and side with me like I understand and side with him? It's so unfair right now.

I think when it's all over it all comes back in flashes, just like Taylor Swift said. It's exactly like a kaleidoscope of memories. But, they still do come back. I cried so much more as an unwanted revelation came to mind.

I miss my daddy.. so, so much.

I grabbed my pillow and slammed it against my head, trying to knock the thought away. I screamed into the pillow, digging my nails deep down inside of it, ripping away at the seams and feathers inside. Unfortunately, the thought just wouldn't budge. It stayed put right inside my head. I'm afraid it's going to stay there too.

For a while I was beating the pillow against my head, screaming into it, clawing at it, clawing away at my head, just trying to get the thoughts out. But, exhaustion soon caught up to me.. and sleep claimed me. Oh how I wished it would claim me forever.

* * *

I heard a knock at my door. I opened my eyes and shut it back right after. An excruciating pain shot through my head. I don't know where it came from. I groaned and rest my head back down against my very flat pillow. I heard the knock again and I grumbled something incoherent and sat up. I rubbed at my eyes, trying to wipe the sleep away. I wiped away most of it.

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