"Like yourself, everything's going amazing. Thankfully, we're done with court visits and I officially have complete custody of him. Obviously, Briana will get her fair share of time with him. Other than that, I've got him completely. And if I'm being quite honest here, I've never been more relieved. I'd much rather have him all the time with me than halfway across the world." Louis breathed out, staring fondly at Freddie. The little boy had managed to take off one of my rings and was now trying to place it on his own tiny finger, huffing cutely when it fell off.

"I'm very happy to hear that, Louis. I'm glad you'll be able to have this little lad with you completely. Now Scarlett can have regular play dates with her cousin. It's also a good thing they're only a few months a part, yeah?" I beamed, kissing Freddie's forehead when the little boy turned around in my arms, a cheeky smile on his lips.

As Louis and I spent a few hours catching up on lost time, we let the babies play with the toys that were scattered around Freddie's playroom. It wasn't until both babies began to whine, did we decide to head out for some late lunch.



"Did you have a good day today, baby?" I crooned as I washed out the baby shampoo out of Scarlett's fine hair.

"Dahey, gog!" She beamed, handing me her bath time toy. Chuckling adoringly at my baby girl, I gently took the toy from her tiny hands.

"That's not a dog, angel. That's a fish. Can you say fish?" I muttered, running my fingers through the tiny curls that form at the bottom of her hair.

Staring up at me as if I grew two heads, Scarlett quite literally huffed.

"No, Dahey."

I swear, sometimes I feel like she understands what I say to her and she just can't be bothered to put up with me.

"You're such a little sassy monkey." I scowled playfully, leaning forward to kiss her chubby cheek noisily.

Stretching my body from its previous bent down position, I grabbed Scarlett's baby towel and proceeded to get her out of the cool water and into the warm, fluffy towel.

"Alright baby girl, let's go ahead and get you ready for bed time, yeah?" I crooned, walking into Scarlett's nursery and laying her on her changing table.

Because it was a bit chilly -thanks to the central air- I dressed Scarlett in her grey onesie that had tiny elephants all over it. She looked awfully precious in it; so what if I took a thousand pictures of her before placing her in her crib? Nobody had to know that.

"Daddy had so much fun with you today, angel. I hope you enjoyed yourself as well. Now it's bed time. Daddy loves you to the end of earth and back, baby girl. Sleep tight, my love." I murmured as I tucked my little girl in for the night, making sure to have covered her up good.

"Dahey," Scarlett cooed sleepily, tiny hand latching onto my index finger, causing a smile to break out across my lips.

"Daddy loves you so much, Scarlett."




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♥️ Liked by louteasdale, harryupdates, and 2,469,821 others

harrystyles bath time.
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gemmastyles classy lady. x
nicholasgrimshaw tiny legend 🥂

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