"Oh yeah. Do you want me to preform it for you?" I replied sarcastically.

"Actually I do." Christopher smirked.

"Yeah, well I'll need a little help with that, Love." I smiled sweetly.

"Okay that's enough chemistry for today. Save it for the night" Felix chuckled.

"The night? I'd love to see what happens at night" I smirked at Christopher. My game wouldn't be lost. I knew what I had to do.

"People usually sleep. But if you have something else in mind then just tell me about it." He flashed me one of his devilish smiles.

"Okay. Can we talk about Gabriella's transformation now?" Antonio stopped our connection. Salty much?

"Yes, we got a little distracted" Christopher smiled.

"Now, Princess. You will have to change your hair color. Your style, voice. And your eye color." He took a sip of his water.

"You mean I'll have to dye it?" I questioned suddenly feeling a little sad. My hair has always been the part of me that never changed. I unconsciously played with a strand.


I took a deep breath. Stop it, Gabriella. Don't be a child. It's just hair.

"Great. I'll just cut it short and put on lenses." I muttered.

"Can we just do it tomorrow?" I added hopefully.

"No we ca-" Antonio was cut off.

"Yes, Princess. We will do it tomorrow" Christopher answered his tone final.

"Thanks" I muttered.

The pay check was given soon enough. We went out of the restaurant. Christofer and Felix stood in front of me protectively while Antonio led us towards a black car.

I spent the whole way enjoying the view. Italy didn't change at all. It was beautiful as always. I leaned on the window with my elbows under my face. I stared out of the window and tried to keep count of all the trees that were blurry due to the speed

Soon sleep took me into its embrace.

"Wake up, Princess" I heard Christophers voice call out. I ruffled my eyes in order to understand where I was.

"We've reached?" I muttered in sleep.

"Yes, let's get you inside" He unbuckled me.

"Welcome to the Santobello's summer house." Felix whispered the second we were out of the car.

I looked up for my mouth to create the classical 'o' shape. The house in front of me wasn't anything like a summer house. It was luxurious and beautiful. There were no words in which I could describe it. The mansion was surrounded by trees. It was well hidden. I felt as though it was a castle from a fairy-tale. At the same time it looked classical and calm. It was beautiful.

As we entered the house I felt too tired to even look at it

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As we entered the house I felt too tired to even look at it. Felix seemed to sense my state.

"Let's take you to sleep" He chuckled.

"I'll take her" Christopher walked towards me. He moved his head for me to follow him. He took me up the stairs and stopped in front of the door.

"Here" He said.

"Won't you show me my room?" I asked him. He didn't say anything. Instead he opened the door and motioned for me to get inside.

He turned on the light. I felt too tired to even glance. I walked towards the Queen sized bed and took off the comforters. I hopped inside and closed my eyes in pleasure. I felt like I was lying on the clouds. I couldn't describe the softness of the bed.

I heard Christopher chuckle.

I opened my eyes to see his back towards me. He was ready to walk out of the room.

"Wait" I called out.

He turned around with a raised eyebrow.

"Don't leave. Let's talk about today" I muttered.

"I think you should sleep. There is nothing to talk about." He turned back.

"What about a goodnight kiss? " I questioned.

"You want a kiss?" He asked in fake wonder.

I nodded.

He turned back and walked towards me. He bent his head down making my heart flutter. Was he really going to kiss me? Was this going to happen?

He stared at me for a second before bringing his lips towards my cheek. And with a single movement his lips were on my cheek leaving a burning sensation. A small gasp was caught in my throat.

"Goodnight Princess" He whispered behind my ear.

And with that he turned of the light and left the room.

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