She was speaking more to herself than to me.

"Yes, that's it," Miley continued. "I'm already smarter than her, so there's one thing out of the way."

I almost face-palmed.

Miley, I thought, Annabeth is the godsdammed daughter of wisdom. Of course you're not smarter than her.

"Hm-mm," I said.

"But I have no idea what else to do!" the blonde complained. "That girl is an idiot and bitch! And I'm perfect! I can't change my personality that much!"

I nodded. "Right."

Miley made her thinking face.

"I'll just wear my contacts," she said after a while of silence. "At least if I look like her, it'll be a start."

"Okay," I said, standing up. "Look, I gotta go."

Miley eyed me suspiciously.

"What?" I asked.

"You sure that there's nothing going on with you and Percy?" she asked.

"Yes, I'm sure."

"Good. Because he's mine."

"Totally yours."

I walked out of her bedroom, and I swear that could hear her mumble the word 'bitch' under her breath.



I jumped, and almost knocked over my bowl of cereal. I looked around over my shoulder and saw my mom standing there, her hands folded together.

"Yeah?" I asked, taking the bowl in my hands and walking over to the sink.

"You've been acting kind of weird lately," my mom said in a worried voice. "Is there something I should know about?"


"No troubles with boys?"

"You know that I don't have a boyfriend."

"You know that's not what I meant."

I sighed and faced my mom again. Her thin, whispy black hair fell to her shoulders, unlike my long, thick hair. She was pursing her lips- just like she does whenever she's worried or nervous. I looked a bit closer; there were light bags under her blue eyes.

"Actually, mom," I said. "There is something that's been bothering me."

"Yes?" She walked closer to me and sat down in a chair.

"Why didn't you ever tell me that I'm a demigod?" I asked in a serious tone.

My mother's light blue eyes fell and looked at the ground. Her cheeks filled with air, then she let it out with a sigh.

"Well?" I said.

My mom swallowed nervously. "I didn't want you to find out," she finally said. "I knew that once you found out what you were, it would be dangerous."

"And it wouldn't be dangerous if I didn't know what I was and a monster came running at me and I didn't know how to handle it?" I said.

"Brielle, your father wanted-"

"Oh right, my father," I interrupted. "You know, it migth have been a good idea to mention that my father is the immortal god of the seas."

She pursed her lips again. "Brielle, I'm sorry. I just didn't want you-"

"I have a brother, you know," I said. "Two, actually. I could have known years ago, but no. I had to get attacked by freaking monsters to find out the truth about who I really am."

I looked down at my own feet. I wanted to say more-I wanted to say so much more. A part of me wanted to yell and shout at my mother, but the rest of me just wanted to leave the room. But there was a lot more I wanted to say- and way more that I wanted to learn. Like, why my mother never told me that Poseidon was my father.

But I just walked away.

"I have to go to school," I said, gabbing my backpack and putting on my shoes.

"Brielle, wait-"

"Bye, mom."

I walked out of my house, guilt running through every part of my body as I closed the door in my mother's face.


I knew that he was looking at me.

I tried my best to keep my gaze forward, but I knew that he was staring at me with his blue eyes. I looked down at my notebook and started to doodle a trident in the corner of my paper. But he was still looking. Finally, I had to look back. I raised my head and slowly turned my head to the side, where I caught a glimpse of Connor Stoll before he looked away from me. His cheeks were tinted pink. Probably embarassed that I caught him staring at me. I blushed a tiny bit myself, then looked back at me paper.

"Brielle! Répondez au question!"

My head shot up. My french teacher was standing at the front of the class, staring at me with her hands on her hips.

"Um... Qu'est-ce que c'était la question encore?" I asked, looking for the right words.

"Avec quel nom est-ce que vouz mettez un 'S' a la fin du verbe?" she asked.

"Um... Tu?"

From the look on her face, I thought that I got it wrong. But, she said, "Correct."

I sighed with relief and looked down as the teacher turned and started to babble in French.

Once again, I got the feeling that someone was staring at me. I waited a few seconds, the glanced in Connor's direction.

But he was not looking at me.


So, there you go :) Some Connor/Brielle stuff for ya. Hope that you're not too angry at me about the length of the chapter, though :(

Anyway, hope that you liked it.

Oh, btw, this story is almost finished! Only a few more chapters, I think!!

Haha. I'm evil.

*French lesson*

Répondez au question! = Answer the question!

Um... Qu'est-ce que c'était la question encore? = Um... What was the question again?

Avec quel nom est-ce que vouz mettez un 'S' a la fin du verbe? = With which name do you put an 'S' at the end of the verb?

Um... Tu? = Um... You?


Annabeth at Goode[EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now