It ends here... (Sequel to Rise Against) {2}

Start from the beginning

Her house was nicely kept. A red recliner by the television. And a floral couch against the wall. The room was small and old obviously. She had books by the couch. And the television was on.

She sat down in the rocking chair by the bookshelf. I sat on the couch with Cassie.

"Oh Cassie. You can watch a movie! I have tons! My grandkids just love those Disney movies!" Judy was nearly shouting in excitement.

"Go ahead Cass" I encouraged.

She got up from the couch and went over to the television. All there were was VHS's. pilled underneath the TV.

She grabbed The Lion King and popped it in.

"Lets go in here dear. So she can watch her movie in peace and we can talk" Judy patted my knee and got up.

Judy had to be in here 60's or 70's. frail woman with little blue eyes under the little gold rimmed glasses.

We walked through the kitchen into another room. Another living room. Smaller then the first. It had a love seat and another rocking chair. All the furniture in her house was odd colors. Blues, greens, reds.

I sat in the rocking chair when she headed to the couch. The couch was just like the one in the other room. Except smaller.

"So what brings you to this little old town?" She asked.

"A messy divorce. He took the house. I took my girl" I lied. shaking my head sadly.

"Aw. You poor girl. How old are you?"

"I'm 24"

"I hope you like small towns. Everyone knows your name and such"

We talked for half an hour before supper. I was thankful to be able to eat in front of the TV. No more talking!

I sipped my coke and ate my tortellini and garlic bread. Yum.

Then she brought out brownies. Forcing me to take the rest home. I smiled. I love brownies.

"Mommy. Aunt Judy wet me borrow some moobies" She smiled. She cant pronounce so many words. But she is so smart and observant.

"Oh? How many?"

"Dis many" She showed me the stack in her little arms. Making three movies.

"Oh? Princess movies?" I kissed her forehead and we got home.

"Yes. Cinderella and sweeping beauty and da widdle mermaid"

"We will have to watch them tomorrow after shopping?"

"Can we watch one tonight?"

I stared into her little gold (Excited) eyes and felt my heart swell.

"Yes we can"

I locked all of the doors and windows. Then got the blanket from the van and laid on the couch. Note to self. Need sheets and deodorizer. The couch smelled like an old library.

I got out the brownies and popped in the movie.

The little mermaid.

The next morning. I woke up on the couch. The movie was on. Odd. Cassie had learned how to rewind and play a movie.

She was drawing on her coloring book in front of the TV. I patted her on the head and went into the kitchen to find some food.

"Looks like we're having bread and jam from breakfast!" I shouted to Cassie.

"Okay!" I heard her faintly in the other room.

I gave her water and bread with jam. She seemed perfectly fine with it. She never has thrown a fit or been rude. She has always been cheery and sweet.

It Ends Here... (Book III)Where stories live. Discover now