Stiles Stilinski - Trust Me

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"Y/n! Y/n!"

Stiles, you thought. You could hear him screaming outside the door, screaming for you, but you knew he wouldn't be fast enough. Valack was too set on getting what he wanted, and you were too weak to stop him.

You felt a pang in your chest as you thought of how Stiles had shown up earlier. You were bleeding, half-delirious, and you weren't entirely sure he wasn't a figment of your imagination. For all you knew, he could have been some pathetic attempt from your mind to try and find some peace with the situation.

But then he had breathed your name, and his fingers were suddenly on your face, trembling against your skin at the sight of the hole in your head. You didn't know where the others were, or if your little brother was with them, but in that moment, you knew Stiles was real.

He had come for you. Stiles had come for you, and maybe it didn't matter because you would die, but he was there. And as Valack picked up the mask and walked toward you, that was what you thought of. How he had found you shivering in the cold after you found a body and wrapped his coat around you, how he had held your shaking hands, and how he had saved you, every single time.

You didn't want to die. You didn't want it to be over.

When Liam was bitten, that was all you had wanted. Your brother was a monster, and it looked like you were too, and you wanted nothing more than all the chaos and death to stop. But then you had met Stiles.

You met the boy who had seen and lost so much, and was still able to laugh about it. Who tried to keep a smile on your face as you shivered in the cold over a bleeding, still warm corpse.

He had fought for you, and he was still fighting, and it suddenly occurred to you that you

had been fighting too. And as weak as you were, as much as Valack terrified you, you weren't ready to stop.

You thought of all the moments Stiles had come to your rescue, of all the moments he had pushed away his fear and come running toward your scream. Valack lifted the mask, ready to place it over your face, and through a sudden rush of strength, you did just that.

Your shriek echoed into the hall, sending a flash of panic through Stiles. He didn't know what was happening inside of that room, just that he had to get past that door. He slammed his fist against the metal, screaming for you once more.

Footsteps were coming toward him from down the hallway, and he turned to find Theo coming toward him.

"Open it," Stiles begged. "Please, open it. You-you have to-"

His dark eyes met Stiles', taking in his desperation. He reached forward, ripping open the door and revealing the dark and dingy room. Stiles rushed forward, and his eyes immediately found you, sitting limply in the chair Valack had placed you in.

You were blinking, probably in shock, but Valack's bleeding body was on the floor, and you were okay. He rushed forward, placing his hands on your shoulders.

"You came back for me," you whispered, looking up at his face. "You came back."

He nodded, quickly pulling electrodes off your face, and your breath suddenly caught in your throat at the realization that there was something else. "Stiles, stop. I'll hurt you. You have to go. You have to-"

"Y/n," he whispered. "Please just shut up and let me save your life."

You opened your mouth to protest, but it occurred to you that Stiles had been saving you since you met him. It was something he never failed to do, and as hopeless as it all seemed, maybe you would just have to let him.


Scott skidded to a stop in front of Eichen House, and Liam jumped out of the passenger seat to run around the front of the Jeep. "Y/n!"

He froze when he saw you in Stiles' arms, bleeding and barely able to stand.

"Liam," you breathed.

"Y-your head," he choked, his eyes going wide at the blood trailing down your face.

You flinched. "It's okay, Liam."

He swallowed. "You have a hole in your head and you're telling me it's going to

be okay."

"I'm your big sister. It's what I'm supposed to do," you told him, shooting him a weak grin.

He took a deep breath, and traded in his worry for determination. "Well, it's my turn to look out for you now. Come on."

He nodded toward the jeep, and helped Stiles guide you in. Scott peeled away from the curb, leaving Malia and Kira watching worriedly through the back window from the Eichen House sidewalk.

Liam sat in the back, holding your hand as you slumped against Stiles shoulder. "Guys. If I hurt you-"

"You won't," Liam said firmly.

You shook your head. "If I do-"

"Y/n, there's no way-" Stiles interjected.

"Stiles, I don't want you to die," you whispered hoarsely. "If it's between letting me go or you dying, I'm okay with that."

"I'm not," he told you. "You're not going anywhere."

"Stiles-" you protested.

"He's right," Liam told you. "We're not letting you, Y/n."

"If Parrish hadn't grabbed me earlier I would've killed you, Stiles."

"We'll figure it out," he swore. "That's my job, right? And I swear to god, I'll figure this out."


"Do you trust me?" he asked.

"Of course, but-"

"No," he cut you off. "Do you trust me?"

"Yes," you whispered hoarsely.

"Then trust me," he ordered, squeezing your hand.

You swallowed, looking into those bright brown eyes. He seemed so sincere, and so sure he was right, despite all the odds. But then again, he had come for you before. He had saved you before, so many times, and in so many ways. If there was anyone you wanted to put your faith in, it was Stiles.

So as you sat there in the back, you nodded at him and squeezed Liam's hand. You were going to trust him, and if he was right, you certainly weren't going anywhere anytime soon.

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