"oh, ha-ha," the blond grumbled, giving hansol's shoulder a light shove. "you were too rough, though."

"you seemed to like it," he said quietly, pressing his cheek to seungkwan's.

"ugh, stop," seungkwan groaned.

hansol froze. "did we use a condom? yeah, we did... shit." he shook his head, running a hand through his already messy hair.

"you used two," seungkwan grunted, shifting slightly on the bed. "you don't need to worry about that."

"good," hansol sighed, placing a hand on the blond's cheek.

there was no risk of seungkwan getting pregnant after last night. not when he was already a month along. he wasn't looking forward to breaking the news to hansol...

"go take a shower; you don't want to be late," seungkwan said, to break the silence.

"fine, baby," hansol said with a wink. "wanna join?"

"no," seungkwan replied, rolling over.

hansol gave a chuckle, kissing the back of seungkwan's head before getting up to take a shower.

seungkwan absently stroked his tummy and closed his eyes.


"love, guess what?" hansol exclaimed as he came home, an hour early.

"what?" seungkwan questioned, appearing in the doorway wearing bright pink rubber gloves and the cutest sweatpants-sweater combo ever. he held a duster in one hand.

"i got the promotion!"

"hansol, that's amazing!" seungkwan shrieked, throwing the duster aside and launching himself at his boyfriend.

hansol laughed joyously, catching the blond in his arms and holding on tight.

"i can afford to spend a little more on my boo," he said fondly, kissing seungkwan's ear.

"i'm so happy for you," seungkwan mumbled into his neck.

"i'm so happy for us," hansol corrected. "ah, my boss wanted to treat me for dinner tonight, and you're invited."

"hmm? me?" seungkwan questioned, letting hansol put him back down.

"yeah, he's going to bring his wife along, too, says you'll get along great," hansol said with a grin.

"uh, okay," seungkwan said reluctantly, "when are we going?"

"oh, about half an hour?"

"half and hour?" seungkwan nearly screeched, stepping back to smack hansol's shoulder, hard.


"that's not enough time!"

"love, you can just get changed, you look fine-"

"i'm meeting your boss and his wife, you utter dumbass, i can't just look fine!"


the bedroom door slammed shut.

"he better not take all night to get ready..."

twenty five minutes later, hansol was standing by the bedroom door and knocking.

"seungkwan, we need to leave now or we'll be late."

"five more minutes! i'm doing my makeup!"

"two more minutes!"


after staring at his phone and pacing outside for two minutes, hansol knocked on the bedroom door again.


the door opened to reveal seungkwan, dressed in a soft pale pink blouse that tied in a bow at the neck, dark gray pinstriped dress pants and a matching blazer on top. his makeup was subtle, with a coral shade on his eyelids, a faint blush, and pink lip tint. his blond hair was styled simply, falling softly over his forehead.

"okay, we can go, now." he looked at his boyfriend. "what? did i smudge my eyeliner?"

"no, you look fantastic," hansol stammered.

seungkwan hid a smile. "you look rather nice in that black suit of yours, yourself."

hansol grinned. "let's go?"

seungkwan nodded, reaching for hansol's hand. "let's go."


any guesses as to who hansol's boss and his boss's 'wife' are??

next update soon~

taellipses out x

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