the kingdom of I

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It was a bright night in vale as the moon light shined upon the beautiful snow that fail upon beacon the children played on the streets throwing snow balls, making snow men or making snow angels it was a festive time as the people of beacon came together as the students of the academy came down to celebrate with the rest of beacon.

It had been many months sense he had began his patrolling of beacon and it had been the whole checkpoint A to checkpoint B to checkpoint C kinda stuff. But at the end of the day he was always satisfied because he got to kill nearly a mountain of Grimm a day but sadly if the demons didn't disintegrate after everytime he had killed them he could have made a monument of his own it would have been a disgusting monument but a monument is a monument and the last time he checked whatever an artist calls something art than it is art and if anyone wants to argue the point that he wasn't an artist can go and talk with his chainsaw well that's at least how he saw it.

Things just went by, he walked, killed, and moved on no questions asked explanations we're unneeded nothing has changed but today was different as snow had fallen for the first in along time as it covered the streets of vale as all the children laughed and played and while the adults chatted and gossiped while the students of beacon shopped or visited family Doom guy assumed it was that time of the year if they had that holiday just the idea filled his mind with hope that maybe just maybe he can go back it was a far stretch of hope but a day without the killing a day without a gun in his hand maybe just maybe.

But then the ideal sunk in that even if he made it back there was nothing there for him no one to go back to no home to return to absolutely nothing wishing and hoping for some happy ending what was he thinking everything he had was taken from him all because he was greedy because he couldn't let go he let them die he sold out the ones who trusted him and they were slaughtered because of it no there was only one way to redeem himself only one way to atone for what he had done and the answer lied right in his hands a combat shotgun with his sights set for hell.

As Doom guy was thinking he was soon meet with a hand on his shoulder  by no one else but his employer as he came face to face with professor ozpin  "magnificent isn't it" no answer as doom guy only looked forward this didn't shock ozpin what so ever as the headmaster has been know to Roam around beacon anyways and sometimes he would come and talk to the Doom Slayer but there would never be a response but that was alright with ozpin "as always no response you know one of these days you well have to talk" Doom guy only snickered in his mind he would like to see them try.

"It always turns out this way little do the other countries know this but this country has been torn apart and put back together thousands of times over and some how some way we remain happy and proud and I believe it's because of the people. to be able to go through hell and to watch on as everything is burned down in front of them and still be able to move forward. it inspired me it makes me want to do better as a leader" no response from Doom guy but he understood what ozpin was trying to say and he could relate in some way but he wasn't ready for that not yet not until the deed was done.

"To be honest I don't like you no, I hate you and I believe it's because I don't know you nor do I understand you. you've been here for months and you haven't taken that armor off at all I haven't even seen you communicate with any residents of beacon all I've seen you do is kill, and I think that's why I hate you really. you kill and kill and kill and when you kill you look more alive then when your around people, I despise killing machines like you and now that I think about it I was just like you. all that mattered to me was to kill the enemy destroy the plague of this world I didn't need any one and i didn't want any one. I shoved away the people closest to me I was in my own world and you can say that it was selfish, you can say that I was a fool, but I wanted to end it all. I wanted to end the killing I wanted it all to stop, but by the time I realized it I was the one doing the most killing."

" I became the thing I feared the most, i hate you because I was you, but I need to trust you. there lives can you save them, can you do what I could not can you save this world, probably not". No response as ozpin continued "I hope you get what your looking for soldier Daman Bana I never got your rank and I very much doubt ranks actually matter to you, but tell me do you enjoy killing." and with that ozpin walked away all children, adults, and students returned back to we're they belong leaving the doom Slayer amongst the snow. The snow was so white and pure to everyone else it seemed cold but to him he couldn't tell anymore it all seemed so distant to him but than he looked upon the street which held a crowd of people was this what he was talking about.

A kingdom of I has he really changed at all has he not learned from his selfishness the first time around. no he needs to redeem himself he needs to kill them all they well pay dearly he knows of what he has done.

There is no kingdom of I but the only kingdom they'll see is two foot wide and six feet deep.

To be continued

A/N I was in the spirit and this just popped out of no where so I guess you can call this a Christmas chapter.

But to those that are interested next chapter well begin the new arc I've been coming up with for this story kinda hyped for it so I hope you guys are too.

Like, follow, and comment for more and if you guys want to talk to me go ahead and let's have a conversation as always I'll see you guys next chapter.

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