World of Fear

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Through out the annuals of history on remnant they have come upon war, racism, and of course the ghoulish grimm but upon the veil is something much cruel and much more merciless that were only told in story, religion, and myth but it seems that the older the story the more true and hidden they seem to be.

But no one asked for this. They didn't ask for the grimm, they didn't ask to lose there family and friends. but sense the beginning of time the grimm have existed and right behind there existence came dust. the weapon that well bring there salvation from the grimm even with the existence of the maidens. It only seemed as if we were holding a lighter shining a small flame in a pinch black room. Hope was so small and only came when it was truly needed.

The people thought it couldn't get any worse than it already was. Oh how wrong they were.

Into the dark vowls of forever fall lived darkness and the disgust as the moon grew full and the land began to shade the fear grew to tighten it's grip on the hearts of the deprived. In the shadows the number increased exponentially as Grimm scuffed and howled because tonight is the end to the vale.


The night was calm the breeze was gentle and the moon's shined it's white pale light upon the vale sitting in his office looking away from the paper work for a moment picking up his coffee and walking toward the window looking at the calm easy night. He was thinking about the events that had occurred this past week. From the wreckage of the cafeteria to the absurd destruction of walls and mental capacity of which the students can't handle and the teachers can barely keep up with both teams rwby and jnpr and students are beginning to fear both teams rwby and jnpr and are starting to see facing them in combat is some type of punishment asking the gods for an understanding of why they have been punished in the first place or why so harshly.

But as of recently there have been very little sightings of Grimm which is extremely strange. He looked back to the paper work usually most of that paper work would be made toward the hunters and huntresses who worked outside vale, most medical bills and replenishes of gear bills and hotels and inn's but recently the reports have been very blank and bland and how villages would summon a huntresses or hunter and then call them off because there was no longer any threat. And now that was brought up I have to notice the very low count of calls and messages for hunters and huntresses lately. It's as if the Grimm were gone as if they didn't exist. what exactly is going on, "what is happening to the world I know."


As the guards stood tall ready to destroy any and all who oppose the law and humanity. They watched over the area until they noticed one grimm coming towards them. They readied there weapons preparing for combat when they finally right behind them dozens amongst, dozens of grimm then dozens more turn to hundreds then hundreds turn to thousand as the men were attacked and slaughtered leaving an opening to the vale to be opened as thousands turned to millions in the matter of second. Homes were sieged, families slaughtered, civilians and sleeping hunters and huntresses murdered in cold blood leaving all to cower and hide. Many fought with bravery and strength but there is only so far you can go with very few numbers as they were soon out numbered and would  fall, it was only a matter of time.

The hunters and huntresses were awakened immediately by ozpin ordering all teams to assist the people and wounded of the vale. They immediately left and what followed were the clouds gathering as the rain poured it's sorrow upon them but Ozpin noticed something incredibly strange. the clouds were a little red and why were they forming in a spiral like shape as he looked down in the city as the town of fire and full of hunters and huntresses fighting the grimm using there special abilities and weapons but to his shock many of his students were killed and devoured by the grimm but he looked away at the mass chaos of the Vail looking up to the sky crying, preying, and hoping for something, someone to come and help his students and the Veil Ozpin had seen enough as he ran to the elevator he had seen enough of this carnage.

Ozpin made it to the battlefield making his presence known to all in the area. destroying and murdering his share of grimm as he noticed his teacher's defending and protecting the students of all costs as the numbers were growing by the second from all shapes and sizes grimm of all types swarming joined this invasion but lucky for him Glenda Goodwitch came to his aid. how funny the boss being saved by his secretary as they stood side by side knowing this was the end. Ozpin looked up at the sky once again eyes meeting the crimson spiral in the sky. He noticed the shine of light in the middle of the storm was raised by the bloody heavens and the fire rained down upon the Veil destroying all who cross it's path but he opened and kept his eyes wide open upon the crimson bloody pentagram in the sky

As the pentagram shined and opened a beam of light was shot down in the middle of vale and what came was what Satan feared the most the one who had rained havoc upon hell for century's this world may be haunted and ruled by fear but they have not ...

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

As the pentagram shined and opened a beam of light was shot down in the middle of vale and what came was what Satan feared the most the one who had rained havoc upon hell for century's this world may be haunted and ruled by fear but they have not known fear like the doom slayer, none have slayed as many as he. For thy say


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