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As rose petals flowed into the breeze revealing a young girl running off with three other girl behind her as they seemed to be heading off somewhere important. But to the Doom Slayer all he saw around was children, children with weapons naturally the idea of a child carrying a gun was disturbing to him.

But with the world they live in he could understand why but just because he could understand it doesn't mean he had to like it "so what you think so far" said ironwood, Doom guy only crossed his arms giving off the impression of (why did you bring me here) ironwood understanding the tension immediately "i know the life of a military man and you give off that feeling of pain and built up rage. I know a man like you always on the edge but always finds a way back home. I brought you here because I believe he well help you.

Doom guy took in all the information but didn't care for any of it he needed to get back, he needed to kill the Spider Mastermind demon no he needed to kill all the demons they well pay they well suffer. As the memories of headless imp corpses and disembodied hell knights laid in a pond of there own blood and in the reflection of the blood we're bodies of barons of hell on pikes with the other bodies hung impaled as drips of blood poured down the pikes as the moon light revealed the scraps of thousands of Mancubus with there spines ripped out and there stomachs torn open revealing the rib cage and what was lift of there fallen out guts and soon that pond turned into a sea of crimson as the bodies of pinkies and cacodemons shared the field as it turned into an open graveyard leaving all the bodies displayed for all to see.

But he soon snapped out of his memory of dead demon corpses that he had done himself. And the first thing he sees are the doors of an elevator closing with ironwood right in front of him "it seems even you get side tracked as well" said ironwood no answer "well the man you well meeting is the headmaster of this academy and is well respected amongst the other headmaster's a former hunter in his youth and the list goes on" no answer again but this time there was nothing but silence until "do you enjoy killing" said ironwood and at that moment the elevator came to a stop and the doors opened with Doom guy the first to step out of the elevator.

But as doom guy and ironwood walked out the elevator the same group of girls Doom guy saw before got on the elevator but ironwood didn't mind so Doom guy saw no reason to either. As he continued to follow ironwood he soon meet face to face well more like helmet to face with a man with silver hair, small dark circled glasses and matching a pure black attire but stopping there he looked to the person's left a blond haired women with clear lense glasses and wore a white and black attire.

Ironwood now looking at ozpin with alot of worries gone as he smiled and said hello to his dear friend taking a seat in front of ozpin as glynda stood by his side and from there on they talked ozpin and ironwood just talking about the past, there hopes, and the future at the moment Ironwood didn't even want to ask ozpin about what happened on the day of Doom he felt like it was too sudden at this moment to ask right now he was with his friend but how much did the disaster take from him how much of ozpin was left.

Lucky enough for ironwood the subject was changed quickly as it came toward the last thing he wanted to talk about even thou this was the reason why he brought Doom guy here in the first place as ironwood started to think of tactics of how to start this new conversation he was immediately stopped "who is this James a new soldier testing out new armor" ozpin asked questioningly ironwood now thanking ozpin in his mind for now giving him a cover story for Doom guy now with the pieces together he can negotiate.

"That's correct ozpin this is one of Atlas's newest and finest soldier Daman Bana and this is are newest armor that we call Desdemona Mark I Daman has proved himself to be able to use the armor to it's highest potential and if we try hard enough we can be able to mass manufactur the armor to create an army of super soldiers" said ironwood "that's great that you have a valuable and exceptional soldier with you James but I still don't understand why you actually came here in the first place and I very much doubt that you are here just to have a conversation with an old friend, so what is it" said ozpin now interested "I've been looking around beacon sense I got here ozpin and I see alot of open areas that shouldn't be open, and if someone that you don't want to see those  openings do see them and plan to attack, how are you planning to defend beacon from them" ironwood said.

Ozpin now seeing were this was going planning away to get out of this situation and responsibility that his friend was trying to pin on him "beacon doesn't need a soldier James we have hunters we get rid of Grimm we fight to get rid of this plague to are world, soldiers are meant to fight wars and kill the enemy, beacon has no use for them" ozpin said very straightforward "I think you misunderstand my friend, soldiers don't just go and fight wars, they fight to defend those who can not defend themselves and it doesn't matter if it's human or Grimm a soldier defends the weak at all cost" said ironwood proudly.

"Still beacon isn't looking for a soldier, James" said ozpin "I'm not offering him as a soldier oz I'm offering this man as a huntsman" said ironwood "why, James" said ozpin "because you need him and he needs you" said ironwood " and why would I need another huntsman when I have many capable of handling anything I give them james" ozpin retorted back "because you need someone who can actually keep the people of beacon safe when you and any other huntress or huntsmen can't even save them from a natural disaster" said ironwood hitting ozpin right in his pride as his fist flinched just a little bit "and what does this special soldier wearing your prescious armor gain from any of this" said ozpin still managing to be civil after that last comment from ironwood "a purpose" ironwood said simple "no money, no fame, not even a place to stay all he wants is a purpose" said Ironwood.

As ironwood stood from his chair and walked away back to the elevator with a sense of victory in his mind as doors closed. But still in the room was Doom guy waiting for orders to come as ozpin stood right in front of him with his against his back and Glenda a little surprised by what just occurred a couple of minutes ago "as of today these are you new orders as soldier and as a huntsman, you well defend the people of beacon and all students of beacon academy you we'll always be on different shifts in different positions in beacon until those areas are rebuilt you well not abandon them, and most important of all you well kill all Grimm who dare enter beacon, these are your new orders as a soldier and this is your purpose as a huntsman".

As Doom guy was about to leave "I'm not a religious man but I'll believe anything if it helps protect those I care about" and with that ozpin turned around staring out a window looking down at beacon

"Kill them, Kill those demons"

To Doom guy that was all he needed to hear, because killing demons was his PURPOSE.

A/n ok guys this chapter was a pain in the ass because I didn't even know how to start it off, but some how some way i figured out away to bullshit my way through another chapter, but even though I'm just going with the flow at this point I do have an idea on how to end this story so at least I have that kinda figured out.

so as always thanks to all my reader for supporting this story and to all who barely started I welcome all criticism so I can get better at this and don't forget to leave a comment behind because I want to know what you think about this story so far and like always.

See you guys next chapter.

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