Chapter 11: More Teamwork

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"Now, Summer Rae

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"Now, Summer Rae. If you have the confidence to come out here and try to piss me off, I dare you to." I said with a smirk. Soon, her music played and she came out with a microphone. She walked to the ring and got inside as the girls and I glared daggers at her. She flipped her hair and began talking.

"You're just jealous, Tanya. You're jealous that your man chose me over you. You're jealous that I have a great body and am the most attractive person. You can't beat me. Neither can your little clique. I deserve to be the Women's Champion. I deserve to be the number one woman in the roster. Everybody wants to be like Summer Rae."

We all laughed at her, which made her confused. "You? Summer, you can't be serious. You can never hold the Women's Championship. You enjoy getting involved in other people's relationships. Like what you did with Bryan behind Brie's back. Heck, even Dean, Fandango, and Rusev. Nobody likes you. I bet that lunatic of yours was only with you because you enjoy the dirty deeds. I have some unfinished business with you." I told her.

"Wait a second. I have some business to finish with her as well. She cost me my NXT Women's Championship and she hooked up with my only boyfriend. She went around flirting with him and slept with him multiple times. She tried to ruin my life. I lost my boyfriend because of her." Amberlee said. Summer began fuming with rage.

"Actually, I have to finish something with her. She hit on my husband and she denied it. She's nothing but a disgrace to the company. She's a trashy, classless person. She is more of a stripper than a wrestler." Fallen Angel said. Summer went for her, but I kicked her in the face. Soon, all of us went after her.

I kicked her and locked her in the Sharpshooter. Summer screamed in pain as Fallen Angel and Amberlee laughed. Soon, she was released and I kicked her and used the Twist of Fate. "You want to mess with us?! Huh?!" I yelled before I got up. She got up and Amberlee Clotheslined her before she performed the Backstabber and put her in the Dis-Arm-Her.

After she released her, Fallen Angel grabbed her throat and performed a brutal Chokeslam to Summer. As Summer lay on the mat, Amberlee got up to the top rope and performed a Moonsault to her. All of us stood over Summer and I grabbed her one last time and hit the Shining Wizard. I got up and walked out of the ring, the girls following behind me.

Just as we got backstage, we were met with Stephanie and Hunter.

"Tanya, we need to speak with you alone." Hunter explained. I looked at my friends before I nodded and followed them to Stephanie's office. I took a seat as they did as well. I was nervous for whatever was about to happen. "Am I in trouble?" I asked. "Oh, no. No, you're not." Stephanie reassured me. I let a mental sigh of relief.

"We would like to talk to you about The Fallen Angel and Amberlee." Hunter explained. "Okay." I said. "Well, we've seen how they are. Therefore, in two weeks, you will team up with them in a Three-On-One Handicap match against any woman of your choice." Stephanie explained. "I chose Summer Rae. I won't stop until she stops bugging the hell out of me." I explained.

"Well done. Now, the Handicap match will determine something. If Summer loses, she's fired for good. If you and the others lose, one of you will get drafted to Smackdown." Stephanie explained. I smiled at the idea. "Great. Anything as long as that blonde bitch is out of my life and business for good." I said, which made them chuckle. "Very well, Tanya. Also, you will be doing a segment with Bayley, Sasha, and your two friends now. Here is the script. The others have theirs. You're free to go." Hunter told me.

I nodded as I shook their hands. I left the office and went to tell my friends about it. The cameras were now rolling. I found Amberlee and Fallen Angel sitting, talking with Sasha and Bayley. I squealed and went to them. "What's up?" Sasha asked me. "I know. Never have you been this excited." Bayley said. "Girls, I have great news." I told them. "What is it?" Fallen Angel asked.

"I just talked to Hunter and Stephanie. They gave us an opportunity to get rid of Summer once and for all." I explained. "Really?" Amberlee asked. "Yes. Here is what's gonna happen. In two weeks, me and you two are gonna face her in a Three-On-One Handicap match. If we lose, one of us will go to Smackdown. But, here is the best part. If she loses. she's fired from WWE for good." I explained.

All the girls gasped as they high-fived each other, including me. "Finally! I can get my hands on that fake ass, blonde bitch!" Amberlee said. "I will make her feel Bankrupt." I told them with a smile. "I will make her feel some Stratusfaction." Amberlee added. "I will make her rest in peace." Fallen Angel finished before she rolled her eyes.

I smirked before I cracked my knuckles and cracked my neck. "Get ready, ladies! Prepare for the battle! Get the moves ready! Cause Summertime is officially over!" I said as I placed my fist in. The girls did so too.

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