Chapter 25: Pregnant?!

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We drove home, and jeff put on his medical boot so it was easier for him to move..let alone walk, he couldn't do shit with crutches. "Jeff you need to lay down", i tell him. "No. You need to lay down, im not the one vomiting now am i?", he shoots back. "Touché", I admit. "How about this, you go lay in bed, I'll whip you up some soup and we can end the day watching a movie....Hows that sound?", he asks. "Sounds good", i reply.

I walked over towards my bedroom, and laid there waiting for jeff to return with some soup.

"Here you go baby", he says handing me a tray with soup and a glass of water on it. Lots of ice just how i like it. "Okay babe, what do you want to watch?", he asks me grabbing the remote and scrolling through Netflix. "Lets watch...lets watch The Losers", i shout. "Em, really...", he groans. "Ya, you're so sexy in it, c'mon babe...Pleaseee", i whine. "Ugh fine, im only doing this because you're sick... i hope you know that", he tells me.

The Next day

I woke up and ran to the bathroom puking. I grabbed my phone and called Taytum.
"Em, its like 7:30 in the morning, whats up", she sounded annoyed.
"Tay, meet outside of the shop in 10 mins!", i shout. I hung up before she could say no. Jeff was still sleeping so i left with out him knowing.

She walked up to me with her pajamas on with a what the fuck is going on face. "Emma, what the hell", he asks confused. "So long story short....i have been puking the past few days", i tell her. "Aw hun, do u have a cold?", she says feeling my forehead. "No Tay! Thats the perfectly fine", i start pacing around. "Taytum...i think im pregnant", i shoot out. "Um, okay, well....are you on the pill?", she asks. "No", i say. "Well do u guys use protection?", she asks. I didn't answer. "Emma! You know better!! What the hell", she yells. "Stop, please dont yell at me", i started to cry. "Okay, you're definitely pregnant, if you are crying because of that, but you still need to take a test to make sure you aren't just over thinking the whole situation", she mentioned. "Did you tell jeff?", she says rubbing my back. "No, he just assumed it was the flu", i tell her. "Lets go and buy a test", she says as we walk into the store.

I bought 2 tests, just to be sure because sometimes the first one isnt always accurate. "The store has a bathroom, go... hurry", Taytum motioned me towards it. "No... no...i want to take it with jeff", i tell her. "Okay then Get your ass over there and text me asap", she says. "Of course", I smile.

I walked inside my apartment, with jeff sitting at the kitchen table staring at his coffee mug. "Emma..", he says sadly. "Ya?", i reply. "If this....if we... are going to cant be hiding shit and running off in the morning without me knowing or having a clue where the hell you are", he says raising his voice slightly. "Please don't get angry, i know, i know I shouldn't have ran off...i was just...", i stopped talking. "What, you were just what emma?", he asks softly. "Scared", i say. "Scared? Why are you scared, theres nothing to be scared about baby, im here...I'll protect you, what are you scared of", he says getting up from the chair. I opened the bag from the shop, "this", i say tossing him the box. "Whats thi....", he stopped talking after reading the label. "Okay so, i know we never talked about it, and i totally understand if you dont want to do this, but we never done anything to prevent it, so theres a possibility, its a pretty fucking high possibility that i am...but i havent taken one yet, so theres still a chance im not, but if i am...", i was rambling on. "So, you're... not sick?", he asks still staring at the label. "I dont know jeff", i tell him. "Okay well go piss on the stick", he laughs. "Okay, alright...okay", i smile walking to the bathroom. "Emma, what ever that stick says I'll be okay with it...seriously", he kissed me on the cheek. Moments later i walked out of The bathroom with an eager look on my face. "What did it say!?", he shouts. "It says we have to wait 2 minutes", i tell him. "Bull shit", he says. "Okay okay, it's ready", he held my hand and we both took a look at the result.

"The test says....

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