Chapter 24: You're lying.

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"Oh ya, you better call him now", i say.

"Hey Jeff whats happening man?"
"Hey buddy, i just dislocated knee pretty fucking bad i can barely walk...i dont think I'll be able to make it to WSC tomorrow".
"Jeff this is such late notice...the fans will be devastated"
"I know i know, i feel absolutely terrible"
"Alright Jeffrey, get better soon buddy"
"Thanks brother"

"Wow he used your full name...he must be pissed", i laugh. "Eh, thats just his personality", he jokes. "So.. i was just joking before about you 'have' to move in with me... because i mean if you dont want dont have too, but the offer is out there, so it's just an option...but like I said you...well if you can do what ever...", he says nervously rambling on. I cut him off with a kiss. "What was that for?", he asks. "For you to shutup", i laugh. "I would love to move in with you", i smile. He grins, "really?", he sounded surprised. "Of course, you're the love of my life, we've been together for quite a while now so i mean why not, right?", i reply. "Why so surprised?", i ask. "Honestly i was just expecting it to be more complicated then that, but im glad it wasnt". "We can start moving when my leg heals", he says. "Ya thats a good idea", i tell him. I thought about the whole moving thing for a few seconds. I was distracted by my thoughts and was just staring at jeff until he snapped me out of it. "emma...emma...hello", he says waving his hand it front of my face. "Oh im sorry", I apologize. "What are you thinking about baby", he says rubbing my lower back. I stood up from the couch exited. "Lets move!", i shout. "Yeah, thats what we are doing, but not until my leg fully heals remem...", i cut him off. "No i mean into a new house, not my apartment or yours, an actual house", i mention. "Thats a big step Em. Are you sure?", he asks. "Yes, i havent been more sure of anything in my entire life", i say proudly. "Okay darlin, Hudson Valley is really nice, I love Duchess County", he says. "Yes, Rhinebeck is beautiful", i say. "We can go look for some open houses on sunday", he tells me. "Okay, sounds good", i reply.

Jeff posted a picture on Instagram of his crutches. Captioned the photo,

"i am so very sorry to all of the people going to WSC this weekend and wanted to meet me, i have a very bad injury, I can't walk without assistance, and it's killing me inside knowing you guys spent money and possibly wasted your time. Once again i am so sorry for the inconvenience. See you all very soon. xojd"

A lot of the comments were hoping he gets better soon, and not to apologize. Then obviously there were those people who liked tearing celebrities apart with disgusting words.

"Baby, have i ever told you how much i love you?", he motions me too sit back down. "You have...a few times, but i love hearing you say it", i kissed him on the lips. "I love you", he says. "I love you too", i tell him.


I was so excited for today, i really wanted to live the farm life, you know with donkeys, dogs, cows, and ducks....maybe even some chickens. Upstate is absolutely beautiful. We got into the car and i drove where jeff told me to drive, he knew these roads like the back of his hand. "Now we need to stop real quick at Samuel Sweets", he says pointing to the street it was located on. "Whys that", i ask. "Its my candy shop, i need to pay a visit once in a while", he explains. "What, you own this shop?", i say loudly and excited. "Yes ma'am, myself and Paul Rudd, now stay here ill be back in a sec", he says hopping to the entry with his crutches. He came back a few moments later, and jumped in the car. "Here you go my dear", planting a kiss on my hand, giving me a chocolate rose. "You are honestly he cutest...thanks babe", i kissed him back. I placed my hand on my lower stomach. "Are you okay emma?", he asked concerned. "Yes im fine", I assure him. "No, you're doing that thing again", he says. "What? What thing", i ask. "You bite your lip when you're lying, emma i just want to make sure you are safe and healthy", he says. "I know, i know, im sorry, my stomach is nauseous thats all", i tell him. "Maybe you're getting the flu, we can go back home and look at houses another day", he offers. "No, no, i want to go, im fine, i promi...", I opened the car door puked all over the parking lot. Jeff looked at me with a worried look. "So you said fine right?", he says sarcastically. "We are going home now, no if, ands, or buts", he demands.

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