Chapter 26: What the fuck?!

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"Emma! You're pregnant!", jeff shouts with excitement. "Yeah, i guess i am", i reply. "Are you okay?", he asks. "Ya im fine, its just what will people say...the kids at school are going to ask who the father is....what the hell am i supposed to say", i cry. "Emma, baby, dont think about that right now.....think about the fact that you are going to be bringing another life into this world...a whole new life", he says. "You're right, i am excited", i tell him. " me too darlin", he kissed me on the lips. "But fucking shit...we wont be able to fuck for nine months", he sounded serious. "I think we will manage", i licked my lips. He grinned. He put his hand on my belly, "thats my kid in there", he sent kisses down my stomach.

"We need to book an ultrasound appointment", i say grabbing my phone.

"Hi, this is the clinic, how may i help you?"
"Hello, i want to book an ultrasound appointment"
"Okay, will do, hows this Tuesday sound?"
"Great, sounds awesome, thanks"

"Okay, Tuesday it is", i tell jeff. "alright my dear", he says getting up to reach his phone. "Whats are you doing?", i asked him. "Can I tell Norman hes going to be an uncle?" He asks with a slight chuckle. "Of course".

"Hey norm"
"Hey sugar, whats up brother?"
"Good news"
"Okay i love good news"
"You're gonna be an uncle"
"Fuck!? No way! Serious.. congrats buddy!!"
"Thanks man"

He looked at my belly once more. "You okay babe?", i ask. "Yeah, i was just imagining Jeffrey jr", he laughs. "Oh, no. As much as i love you...we arent naming him jeffrey, and who said it was even a boy", i state. "Alright, alright. Have you told your parents yet?", he asked me. "No, not yet", i grind my teeth. "Im gonna wait until im a little bit more far along", i tell him. "Okay sweet pea, what ever your little heart desires", he gets up from the couch. "Come", he grabbed my hand. He walked me to the nearest wall. He pressed his lips against mine. He pushed me up against the wall, "babe, i cant", i moan. "Yes you can, you're not even that far along yet...this will be the last time", he kissed up and down my collar bone. "But when the baby comes out, im gonna fuck you on the hospital bed", he says picking me up and bringing me to the bedroom. He removed his shirt, and i did too.

"Right on the hospital bed eh? Are you gonna fuck me hard", i tease him undoing my bra. He grabbed it and tossed it, "you know it baby", he groans as he slips his pants off. "Just be careful, theres a human growing inside of me", i rubbed his chest and tangled my fingers in his hair. "Okay, im okay with that", he rolls a condom on his dick. "Oh, so now you use a condom?", i laugh. "Yup, no need for 2 kids right now", he chuckled. He rubbed my clit, aggressively. "Oh ya", i moan. "You like that baby. "Fuck". He entered me slowly, he thrusting with small low grunts. He looked at me for permission to go harder and faster and much deeper. "Fuck me harder Jeff!", i moan. "Permission granted darlin", he fucked me harder. "Say my name baby girl", he groans. "Jeff!", i whine. "Shit, baby say it louder", he begs. "Jeff!!!!", i orgasmed. "Thats it princess, cum all over daddys dick", he thrusted faster. Then it got slow and he started to tense up. "Shit im gonna", he pulled out. He ripped the condom off. "Let me taste you", he came in my mouth. "Thats my dirty girl", he whispered, kissing me. "I could ride you all day", i whispered in his ear pulling it lightly with my teeth. "Im gonna take you again", he says entering me once more. Mid thrust... a knock on the door.
"What the fuck..."

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