Chapter 12: I think i'm falling in love with you..

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I stare at him blankly. He looks at me and it finally processed through his mind what he just said. "Oh um.. I didnt mean to... you know what.... screw dont have to say it back Emma, but I think I'm falling in love with you, Actually...Fuck all that I think shit...I know I'm in Love with you", Jeff begins to speak. Im still just standing there like a brick wall. "I should go", he says. He turned around to exit my apartment. I grabbed his arm and faced him towards me. "I Love You too!" "It just caught me off guard, but honestly, Jeffrey...I am so madly in love with you", I say. "That makes two of us then", Jeffs smiles and kisses me on the cheek. I saw Jeff look behind me, he was staring at my kitchen counter. I playfully nudged him. "Hey what was that for", he laughs. I grabbed his hand and led him to the kitchen. "What are you...", he says getting cut off by my lips pressing against his. He put his hands on my hips, and we had an incredible make out session. "No", jeff says. "Huh?", i ask. "I wanna take you on a date, i bring you home and you invite me in, a mans dream, just like the movies", he says. "Well okay then", i smile. "I thought a mans dream was skipping right to the good stuff", I reply. "Thats the thing, Thats not the good stuff... i mean dont get me's very good. But you're the good thing, knowing that you're mine, you are the good stuff...minus everything're my world baby", he got all lovey and mushy. "Dont get all soft on me babe", I smile and had a tear at the verge of falling. "I love you Jeff", i say. "I love you too Emma".

Jeff drives us to a restaurant. It wasn't very busy, we got stopped by a few fans, and when I say a few there were a ton! Honestly how did they know we were here? We could be on a desert island and there would be thousands of fans coming from each and every way. Jeffrey being the most kind hearted man i know, he got a picture with almost every one, but it started getting hectic. "Im sorry everyone but we are going to go get a bite to eat", he says. Fans from all over were shouting "jeff me, can you give me an autograph, one more, please jeff". "You know we have to come back out", he laughs. "If you guys are still here after, I'll get every single one of you", he smiles. Security walked us in. We sat near the back away from people, just Jeff and I. He ordered a burger and i got some pasta. We talked about my mother. "So what's her name"?, jeffs asks. "What? Whos name", i reply. "Your mother", he says. "Oh, it's Cathy". "That's very nice, if I may ask, is your father not in the picture then", jeffs says. "No no, he is..he just works a lot, that's actually the whole reason she's coming, he's off on a work trip, his name is David by the way". "Oh i see", he says. "How about you, what's your parents names", i ask. "Richard and Sandy, love em", he says. We finished eating and we were sitting in one of those booths that rounded to the other persons seat, it was one long seat attached that wrapped around. I slid over beside him. "You wanna get outta here", he whispers. Our foreheads are pressed against each others millimeters away from kissing. My hands reach for his belt. "Ms Pratt, we...we..are in public", he groans. "I don't care, If they want something to talk about they can have it, 'student hand jobs her professor at local restaurant'", I whispered in his ear. "My goodness you are filthy", he growls. He buckles his belt back up. He waves his hand for the check. He grabbed my hand. "Where are we going", i ask. "Your kitchen".

The English Teacher {COMPLETED}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें