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So I think it's time to end this story I feel bad because I pretty much abandoned his story as I have lost the feeling of wanting to write this one and have lost interest in mithzan and I don't watch him anymore. (I know shocker). But I wanna thank all of you for reading my story and I think it's time to end. Unfortunately this will be a short chapter. Let's end this short and sweet.

I arrived I the offices walking in, my shoulders tense at what was about to happen. "Hello?" You called out hoping for an answer back only to be met with the sound of an opening door. "Y/n? Oh my god I'm so sorry please don't be mad at me!" The voice you automatically recognized as Max as you were quickly enveloped into a hug. You pulled out of the hug giving him a disbelieving look. "You're asking me not to be mad at? Really?" You say.Sorrow automatically flashing in his eyes. You saw he was about to talk so you decided to cut him off. "Max you're forgiven. I don't care anymore. Eon told me everything or should I say Eli."
He looked ya you with a surprised look. "She told you?" He said before moments later you were engulfed into yet another hug. And then it registered to you everything seemed to have clicked in that one moment. Even with your messy past it was him! He was the answer to being found. You wanted to spend the rest of your life with him and that's exactly what you did.

Lost ways (mithzanXreader )Where stories live. Discover now