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But the embrace was short lived. She released her grip on me and held my shoulders still so I would look at her.
"Honey, this is not the answer, please!" She pleaded, tears streaming from both of our eyes. I nod. "This is wrong, life gets hard, and almost impossible, but killing yourself, is not going to change that, ever. You are my baby girl, I can't lose you!" Lose, lost, words I have thought all day about myself but never thought that people would think the same thing if I was gone. My eyes red, my cheeks flushed, and my face wet from the river of tears roughly flowing, I grab her "Mom, it feels impossible, he-she! I can't take it anymore!" She pushes me back again and wipes the tears from my face and smiles. "(Y/N), you don't know what happened, you just know what you saw, please, talk to them!" I hold her into a long embrace before saying goodbye and running back to the offices to grab my car so I can drive home.
I pull into the driveway and I wait in the car for a second, sighing. I then make my way to the front door, open it, and throw the keys into the basket. I go up to the bedroom to see him doing the laundry. I stop in the doorway of our bedroom. I stare at him "Max." He ignores me. "Max." No response. "Max!" He slams the basket on the ground "What the hell do you want (y/n)?" I look in his eyes to see his anger. I march to the opposite side of the bed that he is so he has to look at me. "I want to know, what the hell was that in the office? She was ALL over you, and you sat there, did nothing, said nothing, what the hell were you doing?" He starts to tear up but holds it in. "Because (y/n), I don't know, okay? I don't freaking know! I don't love her, I love you, and you give me all this shit here today well I did nothin-" "EXACTLY! Nothing! You did nothing, that is the problem asshole! Is my love not enough for you? Am I not good enough?" I scream. He rolls his eyes "Of course you're good enough! I love you! I do! I don't know what the hell happened babe!" I scoff "Don't try to 'babe' me lunatic! You do not get to say anything to me after what you freaking did! I don't want to hear another goddamned word out of your mouth, do you understand me?" He nods and gets undressed. I then feel super awkward changing infront of him. After I quickly change, I find my way into the sheets trying to make my self comfortable but not touch him. I try to sleep but I can't, so I take a pillow and blanket to the couch, and I cry. I cry and cry again. My life, everything thought I knew, has fallen apart. Everything. Ross comes out and sits down next to me. In a calm, innocent voice, he says "(Y/N), I'm sorry. What he did was awful, and I'm not saying you should forgive him, not by any means. I just think you should have a conversation about it. Not arguing, just talk." I sob. He sits next to me and holds me to his chest as I watch my tears soak his shirt. "I-I-I love him! And he does this, and acts l-like it's my fault a-and I-I-I-" He shushes me. I continue to cry until I am exhausted.
I wake up in Ross's bed. I look around to take in my surroundings as I get out of bed. I walk out into the kitchen smelling the amazing smell of bacon! I jog into the kitchen to see Eon in my kitchen. I switch out of my happy look and back up appalled. She sees me and her eyes widen a bit, but she's not surprised. I raise my voice to a almost yell and say "What are you doing in my house?" She holds her hands up and says "I come in peace. I came to see you, talk to you. I made bacon and pancakes. Please." I go to retort but I shut my mouth. I can't get answers it I shut out everyone. I sit at the table in the kitchen. She sits on the other end. She grabs my hand and lightly strokes it. She's tearing up. "(Y/N), I know you think I was all over Max, but I wasn't. I told him what I'm telling you, he was comforting me. I-I-No, my name is Eli, and I want you to call me he pronouns please." I am so surprised, I can't believe I was this stupid. I smile, "So you're-" "Yes, and that's why he was hugging me. I-I never wanted to hurt you, I just-I just wanted Max to know, (Y/N). I was hurting so much and I couldn't go to Ross because I don't want him to know yet. I just wanted someone to be there for me, and he was. I will always have feelings for Max, but I love you, (Y/N). You are one of my best friends, if not my best friend. I wouldn't hurt you. Not in a million years. I just want you to forgive me. Can you, (Y/N)?" I smile again, now I'm sobbing. I grab his hand and say "I can't forgive you if you did nothing wrong. Eli, I love you so much, and I hate how big of an misunderstanding this is. Me and M-Max, fought last night. I thought you was being an ass, but he was just protecting you. I didn't even sleep with him last night. I slept on the couch, then Ross comforted me. He slept on the couch and put me in his bed when I fell asleep. The only reason I stayed in the offices was because of him. My life is wrapped around him. I live in his home, I eat his food, well, our food, I sleep in his bed, I work at his office. I love him so much. I never told him, but I got a job offer somewhere in NY City. It paid amazing, I would have been sitting in the lap of luxury." He looks at me kinda confused "Why didn't you tell him? He would have been so happy for you." I continue to stroke Eli's hand. "Because, Eli, if I left, I would leave him. He would have no where to work, and would be leaving behind everyone he loves. This is his home, and I can't tear him away from his family. And Adam, I love him, I couldn't leave him with you imbeciles." He smiles. I ask "Where's Max?" He says "He's waiting at the offices, for you. You should go, talk to him." We both stand up and we hug each other so tightly. My tears soaking his shirt. I release from the hug and smile and him before running to my car and driving away.

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