the date pt.2

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Your pov

Alesa picks you up 10 mins after you call her."I'm off to the mall with Alesa!" You call to the boys. You get three okays in return.

Time skip

She brings you to a place called LaPatríca that has a bunch of dresses. She instantly grabs a few and pushes you into a dressing room. You try on 5 dresses before finding a perfect dress. "Can I help you get ready (y/n)? "Yeah sure!" "C'mon we are going to my house!"

So many time skips!!

"There finshed!"

Alesa pov I know finally

She was almost ready. "There finshed" I exclaim admiring my work. "(Y/n) your beautiful!" Adam exclaims coming into the room! "Thanks Adam!" I did a good job. Ding dong! "I'll get it!" Adam says and runs to the door. "(Y/n) Max is here!!" "Thanks for everything Alesa." She says to you. "Good luck girl!" "Thanks Alesa!"

(Y/n) pov

There he stood in the door way wearing a tux and his z necklace
"W-wow (y/n) you look beautiful!" "Thanks Max!" You say your so excited! "Shall we leave m'lady" he says and holds out his arm. "Certaintly you say." And hook your arm in his. He opens the door for you. "So where are we going?" you say. "Not saying its a suprise." "C'mon you know I hate suprises!" "Just wait we aren't much farther away." "Ok." You sigh.

Time skip ( because I'm lazy :P)

He took you to the top of a hill. All you can can see is stars. "Its beautiful!" You breathed. "Not as beautifl as you." He says. This is going to be the time of my life! You thought as you layed on the blankets Max set out for yall . Y'all layed down looking at the stars talking and tankling. Until you fell asleep.

Lost ways (mithzanXreader )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora