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My problems with eon only started to increase at the proximity of how close she's getting to him. It was unsettling. "Max!!! Come here!" I yelled. "Yes babe?" He says. "I know it's childish and I shouldn't worry about it but I'm scared of how close you're getting to eon. I feel like I'm going to lose you...." I say being honest. Max inhales in a deep sigh and closes his eyes. "You're not going to lose me I promise. I would never leave you. Ever. Me and her are only friends I promise." I started to feel my eyes tear up. "You promise?" I hear my voice waver. He shouldn't be seeing me like this. " y/n I promise I would never!" His voice has alarm in it. He quickly envelopes me in a hug. "I've got some videos I have to edit ok? I'll be back later." Max says and leaves your office.
Maybe walking out of my office wasn't the best idea. Eon was on top of Max and he wasn't doing anything about it. You could feel your heart shattering into tiny bits and fragments. You walked straight up to them and pulled Eon off of Max. "HOW COULD YOU!" You screamed at the top of your lungs. Your were furious. Everybody in the building came running to where y'all were. Megan automatically getting the situation and running up to you. You told her all your fears of what had been happening. And now they were coming true right before your eyes. You didn't know what to do all you knew to do was run. And you did. You ran away from your now living nightmare. You didn't know where you were going but you knew it had to be far away from there. All you had was your phone and that was all you needed. When you finally stopped you were at a park you had never seen before. A park and a bridge. You were questioning as to who would build a bridge so close to a park? But at this point you didn't care all you knew was that you were feeling something you hadn't felt.
in a very long time. Lost. Lost on a path that you didn't know where it was going to go or how your next day was going to be. You lost your way and you didn't know how to get off that path. Without even knowing it you had walked straight up to the bridge. Before you knew it you were about to jump. Your life has just turned for the worst. One. Step on the ledge Two. Close you eyes. Three. Jump. And you did well at least you tried to. You opened your eyes you were just dangling there someone had a hold of your wrist and was pulling you back up. It was a person you least expected. A person you thought you would never in your life see again. Your mom. Unlike you dad your mom was the best. She escaped your dads grasp and got out. She tried to save you countless times but after a while you told her "no stop trying". And after a long time of pleading she finally did stop. And there she was standing in front of you. Just as pretty as she was when you last saw her. And then you were in her arms hugging her like you were going to die. Maybe this is what I need to get back in track. You thought. But you knew that only time would tell.

Lost ways (mithzanXreader )Where stories live. Discover now