Blast from the Past

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Hello everyone, it's me Cadenza and I am a co-Author with the amazing author who created this book. I hope you all love this chapter, and all the ones I make to come. Now "Carry on my Way word son!"

Megan's POV

Wow, it's been so long since I've seen everyone. The only person that I haven't met till today was this guy named Ross. I didn't realize I spaced out. I get up from off the couch. I look to my right and I see someone that I have been eager to met again. It was Max. I could tell by his ginger hair, even when he wasn't looking at me. I run toward him and jump on his back. He stumbles a little from the impact. "What the hell! Y/N why did you do that!" I jump off, my smile fading a little. "Surprise!" He turns around. "OH MY GOD, MEGAN!" He picks me up, and because of our height difference, my feet don't touch the ground.


I turn the corner to see if Megan was on the couch and I see her hugging Max. She can't even touch the ground, and seems to be suffocating to death. Megan barely makes out the words "Max... Can't... Breath..." He sets her down. I walk up to them, slightly jealous. "Hey Guys, so Megan you know Max?" Megan looks up at Max, and then back at me. "Ya, I've know Max about as long as he's know Adam. We are pretty good friends." She smiles. Why was I jealous, she was just Adams sister. Plus she doesn't look like she is the type of person to break a relationship. "Well I hope we can be that good of friends as well." Her grin gets bigger. "Well I sure hope so!"

Megan's POV

Ross seemed like an intriguing person I'm gonna go talk to him. I walk over to his office and knock on the door. He answers it, with a baguette in his hands. "Gotta get your carbs some how right?" "Exactly..." He sticks his head out of his door. "SOMEONE GETS ME!"  I laugh. "So Ross, did you hear about the Italian Chef with terminal cancer?" He looks at me with a confused look on his face. "No?" "He pastaway." A big smile appears on his face. He's adorable! Ugh stop it Megan, that's gross Besides even if you wanted too, Adam wouldn't allow it. "Well I didn't think I had this much effect on women, but if you think Im adorable then...." Shit, I said that out loud! Damn it! "I-I can't save myself from this can I?" Max walks by the door and says "Nope, your Screwed." "Shut up Max!"

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