Ferris Bueller ⌲ Stories

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'So Cameron had finally let out all of his pent up emotions over his dad

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'So Cameron had finally let out all of his pent up emotions over his dad. Of course it was good for him but... not the car.' 

You gasp. You were laying in Ferris' bed, listening to all of his stories from when he faked being sick and had days off. He was nearly at the end of recounting his last day off, which was around six months ago now. (Y/N) didn't know this but he had stopped having more days off when she started going to the school. He was so infatuated with her that he never wanted to miss a day seeing her face. Ferris was laying on his back, recounting his last adventure while you were laying on your stomach next to him with your head in you hands, fascinated by every word he spoke.

'So what happened next Ferris?'

'He was so mad he started kicking the front of the car. But then the weights fell over and the car flew backwards right out of the window!' You gasp again, muttering an 'oh no'.

'Oh my god (Y/N) you should have seen the car. There was no way he'd be able to cover it up.'

'What happened to Cameron?!'

'Ah he was fine, it was good for him. He was grounded for three months and his parents took his car away for a while but nothing else happened. He is a lot more relaxed now because of it.'

'I was always curious how Cameron could be, to quote you, 'so tight that if you stuck a lump of coal up his ass, in two weeks you'd have a diamond' because I've never seen him like that.' Ferris laughed and kissed your forehead.

'Ask him about it. It was really funny actually.' 


Gotta love Ferris ♥

Thanks for reading! ☻


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