"It's not my fault I'm protective. I just want you all for myself. No one else can see that gorgeous body of yours." He came over and wrapped his arms around me.
"Protective and possesive." I nudged him in the side so he knew I was joking.

"Don't even go there babygirl." He started placing small kisses across my neck.
"Nialler I need to do my hair and brush my teeth. You need to go before anyone exits their room. You know teachers need to be at breakfast 10 minutes before." He sighed.

"But I want to stay with you babygirl." He wrapped his arms around me ans wouldn't let go.
"A little help here... Harry? Louis? Liam?" Louis jumped up and tried to pull Niall away from me. He growled at him like a dog.

"He really is possesive." It's not the first time this has happened. Niall hates leaving me. He hates hiding our relationship. The only reason we have to hide it is because he's a teacher here. It's unfair considering he's our age. Well, 18. All 4 of them nearly are.

"Nialler let go baby. I need to brush my teeth... and from the smell of things so do you." He let go and looked offended by my comment. I used this as an opportunity to run into my en suite. I grabbed ny toothbrush and put water and toothpaste on it before I began brushing my teeth.

Niall then came into the bathroom and did the same. He's always kept a toothbrush in my room for times like these. When he stays in my room for the night and doesn't want to risk going back to his own room on the complete opposite side of this massive school!

The bell went off which signalled the teachers need to get to breakfast now. Another will go off in 5 minutes. The boys start and finish later than us so they still have an hour before breakfast. Everyone in the boys school is probably still asleep.

"Goodbye babygirl. I love you." Niall kissed me on the lips.
"I love you too Nialler." I kissed back. We hugged quickly before he left the room. He didn't even say bye to the boys.

"What have you got today Kenz?" Torture. Absolute torture. Until third.
"I've got science, chem, first. English is second. Music third-" the boys all made and oohh sound since they know Niall's my teacher. "Maths 4th." I love maths! It's my second favourite lesson. "Social studies 5th. Then finally drama last." The first 2 lessons are shit.

I started putting my hair into my signature pigtails. My hair is really long so it doesn't look childish at all. Some girls have really short hair and it doesn't help that they've still got a baby face. When their hair is in pigtails, when they try to copy me, they get laughed at because it looks ridiculous.

Another bell went off to signal for head girl. That would be me. I quickly said bye to the boys and shut my window once they left. Then I made my way down to the dining hall. It's very big so it's hard to miss.

"Good morning miss Kenzington."
"Good morning madam Batchon." Bitch.
"Take a seat Kenzington. You're seated next to miss Felicity today." I get to sit next to Fizzy, one of Louis' sisters. He's got so many!

I took my seat at the table and sat there with a straight back, arms crossed and a perfect view of my boyfriend. The teachers seem to be discussing something. He keeps sneaking little glances towards me.

I don't understand why every morning I have to be placed in a different seat. I don't have one set spot like everyone else. They change me around every time. I have to be sat right at the end of the table too.

The bell went off again and it wasn't long before all the students came filing in. They all took their places and stayed silent. Once it was obvious that everyone was in the room we all stood up.

"Good morning ladies." The teachers all chorused.
"Good morning madam Batchon, good morning teachers." We do this every single day. We always have to stand up too. Even if you're on crutches she still makes you stand.

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