We came to the beach on our trunks. The stars were on their two piece bikinis. The sun was scorching hot. Good thing there were huts near the beach where we can shade while waiting for the photographers to finish the set up. My eyes where roaming around looking for a pale cute guy. The girls were all staring straight back at me but I do not care an inch. Phana however greeted each and every one like a flirt. One star approached me and asked me to put sunscreen lotion on his back. There was nothing I could do, she already handed me the bottle even before she requested such thing.

I was putting a small amount on her back and spreading it evenly when I heard someone intentionally coughed behind me. It sounded like a jealous brat. I smiled to myself for I know who it was. I turned around and saw Beam glaring at me with his arms crossed.

“Beam! You’re here. Do you want me to put some too on your back?” I greeted him innocently while adding some more sunscreen on the star’s back.

 Do you want me to put some too on your back?” I greeted him innocently while adding some more sunscreen on the star’s back

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“You seem to be enjoying what you’re doing. Why don’t you complete that and apply on her legs too.” Beam’s eyebrows knitted.

“Can you do that too?” The star giggled after hearing Beam’s comment.

Beam’s face was like a ripped tomato. I bet he’s furious right now. This is what I like most when he gets possessive. This may lead to a love quarrel later but I do like it when he gets jealous over me. He stormed off and went back with Kit. He’s so cute and adorable when he pouts. Well, I better make a move now to coax him or he might not talk to me ever again.
I left the star unsatisfied and went after Beam.

From afar I can see him with Kit but who’s that other guy with them? And why is he laughing while taking pictures of Beam? He looks harmless but still suspicious, I better get close. Once I approached them, Beam’s face was still scowling. I toyed with him and rubbed my oily hands on his face to remove that frown.

“A-aahh!! Forth! What you did that for?” He punched me in the arm.

“Because you look like my grandma. Quit that ugly face now. I’m here. Don’t get jealous now.” I pinched those beet cheeks.

“Die!” He mouthed without voice.

I smiled at Beam and hugged him to stop him from his tantrums. Kit acted like puking over our sweetness while the other guy was blankly staring at us. I eyed the stranger from head to foot and glared at him while caressing my Beam. He was shocked to see me looking back at him with displease.

“Oh! Hi.. Nice to meet you.” Suspicious guy cracked.

“I’ve never seen you before. Who the hell are you?” I answered monotonously.

“ Forth! What’s with the language. He’s our friend from the Fine arts department.” Beam answered for the guy.

“I’ve never met him before. When did you became friends?” I asked.

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