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It had been an year since she had been sitting at home, doing nothing.

Adalie, Nathan and her grandmother kept asking her if she had gotten any job or thought about what she wanted to with her life, she shrugged in an answer, each time noticing their disappointment and discomfort. She really was a burden on them, she didn't help as an earner nor a worker for the house. She slept, ate and wasted time on the internet. They encouraged her at the beginning, told her to believe in herself and that she a had very good potential. But as the months had passed, they stopped talking about it altogether, and during the very end before she left the house, they had started taunting her about her uselessness.

Who wouldn't? Renée would have done the same.

"You are a failure, you don't have any future" Ciara said.

Hopelessness had caved her in, while depression suffocated her.

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