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Renée and Zephyr resorted to asking for a lift on the highway. While the dark sky loomed above, they had to cover their eyes from the bright headlight when a grey Volkswagen car stopped near them. There were three guys flashing grins, eyeing Zephyr from head to toe. She returned the gesture, knowing it was what it would take to get them out of there. Everything about them screamed jerks to Renée, but an afterthought of how they had been able to tackle two police men calmed her. They quickly got into the backseat.

"So what happened, Z, that a jolie fille like you is stranded in such a dark forest?" Axel, the tall guy driving the car asked.

"Well, our driver turned out to be a drug dealer and we had to get out of there" Zephyr said, purposefully missing the police involvement, not wanting to lose her only ride.

"Whoa! Seems like an adventure. And the other girl? You guys definitely don't look like friends, I mean she looks like a guy broke her heart" he said, chuckling.

"What did you say?" Renée spoke for the first time since they got into the car, raising her eyebrows.

"Ah! So she speaks" murmered the blonde guy in the back, smirking, whose name Renée failed to remember.

"Why do you always seem to assume that whenever a girl is sad that she had a breakup, or a guy dumped her, or a guy had any part in it? A girl's world does not revolve around guys! So, stop assuming!" Renée said in a breathe, swearing.

"Alright! You need to take a chill pill!" the blonde guy said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Uh, okay, I understand...must be a lesbian breakup" Axel said, muttering.

Renée sighed, as Zephyr tried to calm her down, she knew she couldn't get her point across nor was she interested in proving him she was straight. Except her brother, she thought all men were jerks. It enraged her how people assumed it always to be about a guy, it isn't. Sometimes, there are a lot of other things that can cause you pain. There can be a lot of other reasons that can slip the ground right below your legs.

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