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There was little money and no plan. Renée was pretty sure she couldn't grab a train because it was holiday season, and to book a train even online, the prices were skyrocketing. She couldn't take her car either, as the petrol was way too expensive to travel the 752 km from Bormes to Paris. Besides, how was she supposed to get her car from their home's garage right under their nose? She also had to manage to food. She was already despising the apples, berries and leftover candies she had been surviving on for the past few days. But traveling required energy.

She could've gone back to her family, her friends, asked for help. But that would mean going way too back. She would be back tracing her steps, and she was afraid she wouldn't be able to make up her mind again. She was just dragging through the last days of her life, the luxuries and the difficulties not meaning much to her.

She had one choice.

She had one expensive item which would take her to Paris and fill her tummy.

 An item that Nathan had gifted her.

Renée's camera.

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