A guilty conscious and a melodic man

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"It's okay. You don't have to love me, just promise not to forget me."

"Forget you? You're my closest friend, I could never."

I heard Eita sigh over the phone before a quick good-bye and then the phone softly beeped in my ear. I felt bad, but a betrayal of the heart has never gone down well in history.

I attended University on the Monday after the date and just before I could enter the gym to find Ushijima, I see him coming back from his run. His hair was a mess from the wind tousling with his locks and in the bright, morning sun-light, he looked more handsome and more human than I had ever seen before.

When Ushijima saw me, he gave me a nod and cracked a small, clumsy smile. So very Un-Ushijima. Even though I was use to the stoic ex-captain, I could easily adjust to this version of Ushijima who smiles. I don't think it's the smile, it think it's the reason. The smile was aimed and created just for me. 

I watch as Ushijima takes long strides over to me. Each step making my heart beat rise just a little faster than the previous second. I think by the time he makes his way over to me, my heart feels like it's about to burst. 

I can now see him up close in his volleyball wear. The single bead of sweat that glistens on his head, almost like it was because of the heat, rather than the work out. His Olive eyes and tanned complexion match perfectly. I had realised that I liked the man standing in front of me, but having him enter my romantic life has increased my infatuation for him ten fold. 

At this point, I was starring at him, but I had no regrets whether he noticed or he didn't.

"Morning Toshi!"

I reach up to give him a hug but quickly withdraw my arms, realising it might be a little weird for him. Ushijima in return places his arms around my waist, encasing me in his embrace. I guess he saw my gesture and followed suit. 

He mumbled out a cute 'morning' before his arms receded back to his sides. This boy was making my heart do flips inside it's cage. 

Ushijima, after getting dressed, walks me to my class with promise of meeting each other at lunch. I didn't tell him, but I made him a bento as a thank you for giving me the journal and for such an amazing date. 

All through out class, I was texting Eita, he was worried about my relationship with Ushijima. I was grateful but he was being overprotective.

At lunch, I gave Ushijima the bento after he picked me up from class and he seemed to enjoy it. After we ate though, I showed Ushijima the texts between Eita and I.

Eita: Are you sure you're making the right choice?

Me: Of course, I'm not in a relationship with him right now, but I'm with him, for better or for worse.

Eita: I'm sure it'll turn out for the worse. 

Me: I knew that the day I met him, but I'm still willing to try.

Ushijima read over the messages briefly but his mood didn't seem to change, he understood what I meant and I'm sure he understood Eita's concerns for me.

"What are you doing this afternoon?"

"Nothing, why's that, Toshi?"

"Let's go on another date."

I was a little shocked, but Ushijima seems to always add to the shock factor, in any situation.

"If I say yes, then, if it goes well, we should become, well, you know."

I decided to up the game and Ushijima seemed to understand what I was hinting at. He agreed with me.

Ushijima gave my world hope when I had none, he set my world on fire, but yet, it was like he wouldn't let the flame touch me. To be able to call him mine would be the biggest dream come true, and that's what this date would do.

On  the date after University, we went to a small cafe, well known for their pastries. We were enjoying ourselves until I saw Ushijima stiffen a little. I look over into his field of view to see that he's starring at a well dressed lady. I look a little closer and see the resemblance between her and Ushijima. Maybe it was a relative?

The woman spots us and walks briskly over to the table.

"Wakatoshi? What are you doing here?"


"Wakatoshi, how have you been? It's been a while, like since you last moved out. You never visit any- Wait. Who is this girl with you?" Ushijima sits in silence. "Wakatoshi, I said; who is she?"

"A friend."

That hurt a little, but Ushijima obviously has his reasons, he wouldn't waste his time with me unless it was something more serious.

"Good, because the girl that I've arranged for you to marry is a wonderful woman, you will meet her next week. Oh, before I leave, you, after the marriage arrangements are planned, are not to talk to any other woman, Is that clear, Wakatoshi?"

Ushijima doesn't reply as his mother walks away. As she leaves, so does the shock of the whole situation and I start to process everything. Arranged marriage. He didn't think this was a big deal? Did feel that I should know?


Ushijima looks back to me with a questioning glance.

"When did you plan on telling me? Or did you not plan on telling? You just decided to keep me in the dark? I wanted to work this out with you, I knew things would be hard, but maybe I made the wrong choice by choosing you."

With that, I stormed out of the cafe, salty, bitter tears cascading down my cheeks, only to land on the unforgiving ground. I made my way to the near by park and cried to my hearts content. By the time I realised, it was dark and in the most dangerous part of the neighborhood, on my own. 

A life written to you. Ushijima x writer! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now