My distraction

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Volleyball. That's what this sport is called? It looks almost fun. Fun? What was the definition of that word again? It's enjoyable. Well, that's what it looks like. The look of determination on the players' face. Have I ever been that determined about anything before?
I couldn't stop myself from watching, from observing the players. Until I saw him. His face was stoic but his eyes spoke volumes. He had amazing acumen. The results he were to receive would definitely be auspicious. He was fit to be captain, he was bellwether. I had such a strong concupiscent to him that I couldn't look away.
He was an inspiration. He was out of my league.

That was last year. I still haven't spoken to him. I probably never will because it's our last year at Shiratorizawa.
His name was Ushijima Wakatoshi and he was the best volleyball player I had ever seen. In my room, I started watching his games as I wrote. It was amazing to see him on television. It was like he was famous.

The glimmer in his eyes made it seem as if he had nothing and no one to fear. It made me envious of him but it also made me want to meet him more. I wanted him to swoop in and save me with those determined eyes that I dreamt about.

"(F/N)! Oh my gosh! Did you see the game last night?"
"What game are you talking about?"
(Friend name). Completely obsessed with our schools volleyball player Kawanishi Taichi. She is unaware that I watch volleyball and just asks if I do anyway. Of course I wasn't going to tell her. If she found out that I had a crush on The Ushijima Wakatoshi. She would immediately tell me to change my mind and find someone else.
She thinks he's heartless because of the stoic face he always pulls during games and everyday life activities.
She doesn't understand that he could still be a good person though.

Despite my protests, she drags me to every lunch time practice to watch them. This isn't that bad on my part. I can watch Ushijima and no one can question why I'm here with (friend name) here with me.

Even in practice, he was amazing and determined. He was an undefeated champion.

His arms from this distance looked strong and muscular. The way they flexed under his sports jersey made me think on how they would feel wrapped around me.

His legs and the way they moved in sync right as he was about to jump was always a sight to see and made me think of the intense work-out he would have to maintain everyday just to be able to keep them that strong.

"(F/N)? (F/N)!" I turn my attention to the voice calling me. "Were you just checking out Ushijima?"
I was speechless and embarrassed to say the least. I shook my head in a 'no' motion.
"Sure you weren't. Your secret is safe with me."
I knew she was joking but it made me feel uncomfortable that she was able to pick up on it.

"Everyone pack up! Class of about to start!"
"(F/N), that's our queue to leave. Unless you want to check out Ushijima more?"
I shake my head and as I'm about to leave, I look back at the court one more time. As I look back, my eyes connect with Ushijima before I turn my head and keep walking.

We continued returning to the gym after that. It became a daily basis. Almost a routine.

Creative writing. It was one of my most favourite classes and was a compulsory class at my school. I always got good grades in it and I enjoyed the independence that we were given. That was until we had to write a project. With a partner.

I've never been the most lucky person, that wasn't about to change. I had hoped it turned out to be a cliché love story where Ushijima and I get paired because it was the only class we took together, but oh how wrong I was.
The teacher instead paired me with Tendo. The exuberant boy who never did his work. He was unencumbered. People like him irritated me.
The best thing I could do now was all of the work and allow him to live his unburdened life.

Things never turn out the way I plan. In fact, it was the opposite. This meant, Tendo wanted to help me with the project. He offered to make characters and names if I wrote a general plot to submit.
I don't have the patience or the brain cells to lose to disagree with him. So I just agree.

It was problem after problem. He wanted to do the characters but then he needed help. Why couldn't he just let me do it? Why did he need to drag me with him to help him?
The next problem. He asked me to wait for volleyball practice to end for me to help him. This meant a distraction.
Tendo and I both agreed on writing a tragic piece but with Ushijima constantly in view at the practice, I couldn't think of anything but romance. This is why I hate feelings.

The practice was finally over, that means I can help Tendo and then focus on the plot. That was the plan. But things never go my way. Tendo had changed my plans yet again.
"(L/N)-San. Since we're going back to my house, I asked Ushijima to join us. You don't mind, do you? He was also asked to do characters and he needs help. Since you have the highest grade in the class, I thought you wouldn't mind. Do you?"
I was dumbfounded. Did Tendo have no manners? I was about to refuse when I looked at Ushijima. His eyes were resting on me, he was anticipating a positive answer. I couldn't refuse Ushijima.
I placed my kindest smile on my face.
"I wouldn't mind. Let's just get this done quickly so we can all go back to our normal lives."
This was going to be one hell of a night.

Song used to write:
Neon lights cover Justin Bryte

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