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I almost couldn't sleep for the date with Ushijima, but thanks to the date with Eita, I was able to get a decent sleep in. I have no idea what Ushijima has planned, or if he even has any idea what to do, but I trust him.

Today, I chose my favourite matching outfit with some slip on shoes. I didn't get told where to meet Ushijima, just go out at 10 am and walk down the street, but it seemed so un-Ushijima. I listened anyway.

When I walked outside the door, Ushijima stood there, waiting for me. He held my favourite flowers in his hand. What a great guess. He nodded his head at me, almost as if asking if I was ready.

"Come inside while I put these in a vase?"

He stepped in after me and just stood at the doorway. I came back and we left. Ushijima led the way there. Unlike Eita's date, we walked most of the way - but it was only a short walk. 

Once we stopped, we arrived out the front of a studio like area. Ushijima stepped towards one of the buildings and I followed suit. Ushijima once inside, pulled some tickets out of his back-pack. The person gave us entrance and once we walked inside, I knew immediately where we were. I had never seen the outside but I memorised the pictures of the inside. We were at Kaku wo oshite. A writing studio. 

I looked at Ushijima and he seemed almost timid while looking at me. I broke a massive smile. How did he even know?

"How did you know I wanted to go here? I could never get an opening in time."

"(Best friend's name) told me."

A simple yet thoughtful answer. Ushijima had gone through (Best friend's name) to find details about me, and that is no easy feat. 

We sat through the tutorial and got to create our own characters. The producers told us that they would draw our characters with the description given. We then got to write a 1000 word piece including our characters, that would be sent off to famous companies, with a chance of being published and if they were considered good enough, a job offer. 

Ushijima had literally made my dream come true by taking me here, but I felt bad, he didn't do anything but watch me and read what I wrote. This date seemed one-sided. After we left, it was almost 1 pm. We went to a near by cafe and had a small lunch there before Ushijima seemed at a loss for ideas. 

I Guess Ushijima hadn't anticipated the date to go by so quickly. Instead of heading home, I took him somewhere. A park that sat near a lake. We sat on the swings a little and I attempted conversation.

"So, why did you ask me on this date?"

He seemed to think a moment.

"If seeing you with Eita made me feel like I had lost a volleyball match, I wanted to see what being with you felt like."

"And? What did you come up with?"

"It feels like I'm spiking and when you smile, it feels like I've won the game."

I think in Ushijima's mind, that was probably the sweetest thing he could ever say.

"So you've enjoyed it then? Even though we didn't do anything you like?"

"I think I like you."

Ushijima was so blunt about it. So honest. It took me by surprise.

"Toshi, are you being serious?"

He looks at me and nods. I get up, walk over to him and hug him. Instead of like last time, he hugs me back. Though it's clumsy and nothing like Eita's, it's perfect to me. I don't want to pull away, but when I look down, I can see that my chest is pushing against Ushijima's face. I pull away a little flustered and he looks it too. Instead, I lean down and give him a kiss. Not a peak, a proper kiss. Something that I've been dying to do since I first saw him on that stupid, but yet fateful television. Ushijima isn't that great of a kisser but I can tell that he's trying and that's all that I ask for.

After that, Toshi walks me home, but he held my hand the whole way. He honestly is the cutest. 

At the door, Ushijima gives me a little present, it's completely wrapped with a little bow. I lean down and give him another kiss before I say thank you. I'm about to send him off before I heard what he said. 

"(First name), I want to do this again."

"Toshi, I would love nothing more than that. Just tell me when, I'll see you at University tomorrow. Bye, Toshi." 

With that, I close the door and look down at the present. Toshi was just too thoughtful sometimes. 

"You know, I like him better than the other one."

I look up to see (Best friend's name)'s dad. He's smiling with the crinkles around his eyes making him seem more genuine. I nod a little, agreeing.

"I agree with dad. It takes guts to ask me about you. If he's willing to take the risk for you, then I approve."

I look at (Best friend's name) and she's giving a thumbs up. I embrace both in a hug before whispering a 'me too' and going upstairs to me room.

Once in my room, I carefully unwrap the present that Ushijima gave me. Inside is a little book with a leather bound cover. It looks amazing, my favourite kind. I smile at how kind he is for the umpteenth time. I write in my new journal, on the first page, about all that happened with Ushijima today and all the cute little things he did. He really does make me happy, but that then brought me to a sad thought.

Eita. He will be heart broken and I'll have to be the one to break it.

A life written to you. Ushijima x writer! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now