An ...Unpleasent surprise

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As I was going to walk home, I saw a small group of boys in a circle. I slowly approached them and tired not to be seen.
"What a monster."
"You're so weird and creepy."
I look into the middle and see Tendo standing there. He seemed a little shaken, but never the less, unfazed by the boys bullying him. Me? I wasn't having it.
"And who the hell do you think you are? If anyone is a monster, it's you for bullying someone. I recommend leaving. Now."
The boys looked a little shocked as they turned to face me. After seeing me, they all disbanded and left. Tendo on the other hand, stood there with his mouth agape.
"You'll catch flies if you keep your mouth open like that."
With that, I continued to walk home to suffer my grounding.

I didn't see Ushijima, his volleyball tournament is approaching and he needs to practise for the game. I think he doesn't need it, but he probably would think I don't need to write as much as I do.
I plan to offer Ushijima my help with character development and maybe Tendo as well, I feel bad for him being bullied. It makes me regret thinking he was annoying. I'll make it up to him?
Journal entry #347

Writing in my journal was calming and helped me block out everything of my normal life. I could simply think of Ushijima and future events as if there wouldn't be a problem. I knew there would be, but I can dream.
I went to bed, awaiting the next day to come.

The next day came a fast as the rest. It held as many twist and turns as the other days did too.

Morning class was writing. It was fun for the most part. It consisted of working in your pairs or individually on the project. I, for one, wanted to work individually, Tendo? Not so much. He constantly clung to me. I wanted to be nice because of the bullying but there was an extent on how nice I can be.

Thankfully, the class finished quickly and Tendo got the character development done. Now I don't have to help him and I can focus on plot and helping Ushijima.

At lunch, I searched everywhere for Ushijima. By everywhere, I mean the gyms. I then found him in the lunch hall with the team.

Everyone perked up when I arrived at the table but then all shied away. It was strange to say the least. Tendo abruptly stood up.
"(L/N)-San, can I please speak to you? Alone?"
What could Tendo possibly want?

"(L/N)-San, I know I haven't known you long, but I have feelings for you."
Tendo? Feelings?... Me?
"Tendo... I'm sorry but I like Ushijima-Kun."
"Wakatoshi? Why does it have to be him?"
"Tendo... I'm sorry."

I half jogged away from him. His facial expression seemed as if he had great pain? Why would Tendo like me though?

The rest of my day passed like a breeze. All I could think about was my stupid mistake of telling Tendo my feelings for Ushijima. Will he tell him? Will he take it out on Ushijima? Why did I tell him?

This is journal entry 4 of the night. I can't seem to sleep. I've written everything I can about today in my past entries but I just can't get it out of my head. I should really sleep for school tomorrow, all I can do, is hope for the best.

I peeked my head around the gate. Nothing out of the ordinary. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder. Ambush. I turn around and my eyes widen. This isn't good.

A life written to you. Ushijima x writer! ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя