A team of Mischievous players

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The hand that rested on my shoulder was not one that I had expected.
Kawanishi Taichi. Why was he here? What did he want?

"(L/N)-San." He had a small glimmer in his eyes that made cold shivers run laps along my back.

"Kawanishi-San, did you need something?"

"I need you to come with me to the volleyball practice gym."

I didn't argue but instead led the way. Whatever he was planning, I just wanted to get it out of the way and attend class.

In the gym, the majority of the Shiratorizawa volleyball team was waiting for me. The majority Ushijima was missing. 

"What is this about?" All I received was expectant looks, as if I was suppose to know.

In unison they mumbled; "Tendo told us."

I pulled out my imaginary hit list and placed Tendo on top of the list. 

"Don't worry, Ushijima doesn't know. Instead, we are here to help you get together with him. All he thinks about is Volleyball, that's great and all because it helps the team but this is his last year with the team and he most probably won't be with us third years next year in college, so we need someone to look after him for us." Semi Eta, Mumma of Shiratorizawa.

"We heard that you aren't very social yourself. You're friend was more than willing to give that information to me." Kawanishi chimed in.

Typical (friend's name), of course she would fall into Kawanishi's charms. 

"Even if you think that I like Ushijima and try to make him date me, that doesn't mean that I want to date him or that he wants to date me. This isn't creative writing, this isn't a romance novel and this certainly isn't a fairy tale, this is reality, your plan is bound to fail." That's right, I can't be carried away by silly ideas, I'm a realist. 

With that stated, I left the presence of the boys and headed to my class.

The day was harder than anticipated, I shared a class with at least one of the boys each lesson. Each lesson, they would sit next to me and slyly slip more of the details of the plan to me.

So far, the plan sees stupidly perfect. I will not fall into the trap though. The plan consists of my constantly being around Ushijima so he has to recognize me, I will do this by becoming friends with all of the team mates, during this time, I won't pay attention to him, I'll acknowledge his presence but I will only talk to the team mates. Eventually, Ushijima will grow aware of the boys paying attention so much attention to me that it might affect their volleyball games and he'll come talk to me. 

That's as far as they've thought, they explained that the rest of the plan relies on fate. Fate is for fairy tales. I will refuse and put a stop to this plan, it's ridiculous. 

When I went to speak to Semi, the obvious mastermind of the plan, after school, he pulled me into the gym for volleyball practice and sat me on a seat. The whole team looked at me and cheered happily before all coming over to me. They left Ushijima standing a lone on the court to practice. All of them spoke in harsh whispers about the plan. I wanted to say that I wasn't apart of the plan because I didn't want to part-take but they all seemed so happy and cheerful, I didn't want to crush their spirits. It had been a long time since people had been this happy to see and it felt nice, even if it was just acting. 

The team was eventually called over by Ushijima to practice which they had ignored the first couple of times before Ushijima started to give off an annoyed aura, with the same stoic face, I shooed them off to practice, afraid of their punishment if they didn't oblige. Luckily the coach was away today. 

After practice was finished, the team walked me home. I stopped before my street and told them not to escort me any further. I already knew that I was in trouble by my family for not messaging and asking and it would be even worse if they found out that I was with a bunch of boys. The boys insisted on walking me home the full way but before I could refuse, a car pulled up beside me, an all too familiar one. 

"Where the hell have you been? You're grounded, or did you forget? And who the hell are these people? Have you been... Oh my, GET INTO THE CAR RIGHT NOW."

I looked over at the boys who all gave me sympathetic looks ridden with guilt. I got into the car with my family and they drove me home, yelling all the way down the street. 

Upon arrival home, I was in tears, my head hurt and I had regretted even going to refuse the offer of the plan. 

I decided to open my journal and write. I placed the date at the top and continued to write.

Today I was humiliated. I had to deal with the ambush of the volleyball team as they came up with a plan to make Ushijima fall in love with me, then they kept bugging me in every class, finally, when I went to go to the practice gym to refuse the plan, they all crowded me and I felt too guilty and happy to say no. It was honestly one of the best days I've had. I felt loved, wanted and happy. I thought I regretted going but honestly, I wouldn't trade today for the world. The boys were so warm and kind, unlike how they looked in the volleyball games. I think I want to join their club. I'll improve their plan by becoming a manager for their team. Ushijima has to notice me if I become the manager of the team. I'll convince the family at any cost.

Entry two of today,

I had just had dinner with the family, they were extremely angry but I found a way. It may have been a lie but I found a way. I told them that my scholarship I'm aiming for requires me to join a club and interact with other people and that if I wanted to achieve this, I would join the volleyball club, which was the boys who were with me tonight. They would agree to it if it was for my scholarship, all they cared about after all was my education and getting a well paying job to look after them in the future. They agreed to it and even ungrounded me. 

Tomorrow I'll get the forms to become the manager and when I become manager I'll tell them and I will become manager, at all costs.

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