His comfort

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Volleyball is always something I've been good at. I've advanced beyond the rest. I did work hard, but my height always gave me an advantage. In fact, I can't remember the last time I had lost. Had I ever lost?
Volleyball started as a passion but then all of these expectations came and I was expected to win. This, to most, would make them hate the sport. For me, it became my escape.
I could hit the ball as hard as I wanted, I could run and release all of my worries. No one could ever stop me, no one would ever stop me. At least, that's what I thought.
Not every human can be correct 100% of the time. Much to my dismay, I am still human.

We lost. The condescending attitude that I always held now dropped and I had a strange feeling. One I had never felt before. Was it anger? No. Maybe... maybe it was sadness? The way that the audience applauded the other team as we did our bow. The way that our team didn't continue the cheer, it was as if we were no longer there. Is... is this what it feels like to be inferior to the other team?
I feel something strange. My hand reaches to my cheek. It touches something warm. I pull my hand away, but it only contains the clear liquid I had just pulled off my face. Was I crying?

I look up to see my other teammates. They're all staring at me. As I look at each one, their faces almost break. Then, the tears start to fall.
Reality has set in. We lost. There was no more chances for the third years. This was our last game at this school.
Is this what Oikawa was speaking about? Is this the pain he felt after every match against me? How? How was he still able to stand strong and talk about his worthless pride?
Then, I had an image. His ace, Iwaizumi Hajime. He had someone there to comfort him. He had someone to cry with and to tell him that it was okay. I don't have that bond with my team. I have no one to support me when my stoic act falls.
"Amazing job Ushijima!"
My head perks up at this. The chant continues until my eyes land on a single person sitting in the crowd cheering me on. Is this what comfort feels like?

Song: 7 years

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