Two dates and a decision

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Eita messaged me the details for the date while I was in class, I decided to check after.

When I was checking the details for the date with Eita, I felt a presence lean over my shoulder. I look slightly right and see Ushijima looking at the message and the details. I swear I could almost see a small frown on his face. I felt that he deserved an explanation, considering I told him Eita and I were only friends.

"He asked me out. It was right after you told me that it didn't matter to you. I was really upset and not thinking straight, so I agreed and now Eita and I are going on a date."

I turned and looked to Ushijima, he looked like he was thinking. His face stoic, but the way his eyebrows slightly furrowed. 

"Go on a date with me too."

I was in a state of shock. Did Ushijima just ask me out? This is a joke right? I look at his face, nothing is telling me that this is a joke and before long, I find myself nodding, agreeing to go on a date with Ushijima too. Does Ushijima even know what a date is? Does he know that there's romantic intent behind a date? The boy isn't an idiot, but there's always exceptions to dates.

My date with Eita was before the one with Ushijima, after all, he did ask me out first. My date was planned for Saturday and Ushijima's was Sunday. Eita left all of our date a secret, telling me to just meet him at the train station. Ushijima also decided to not tell me anything yet, he probably hasn't decided yet anyway. I had to tell Eita about the date with Ushijima though. He deserves to know.

On Saturday, I decided to dress in black skinny jeans with my favourite top, deciding that comfort was the best option with Eita. Once I saw Eita, I realised that it was the right choice, as he had gone for a similar look. He was 20 minutes early, just like I was. I decided to tell him before the date about Ushijima.

"Eita, before we go on this date, I have to tell you. I mended things with Ushijima, when he found out that I was going on a date with you, he also asked me on one. I decided to give him a chance, I hope you aren't too mad."

"(F/N), thank you for being honest with me, but I had a feeling that you would and I was correct, I realised this when Ushijima asked if I was okay with him taking you on a date. I said yes to him and i don't regret it, it just means that I'll have to work harder to win your heart, I'll make this date so unforgettable, that you'll have to choose me, and it's all worth it for the girl that I fell in love with so many years ago."

I blushed a little at Eita's words. He really was such an amazing person, friend and I'm sure that if I choose him, boyfriend. 

With that settled, we get on a train, heading in the direction away from home. Three hours and a train ride later, we were on foot towards our destination in Akita. There was the Kanto matsuri being held in the area. The bamboo sticks that held the lanterns in the sky were amazing and breath-taking. I starred in simple awe at the festival. I had once read about this in 'The road where the snow falls'. The first ever book to record the festival, but I never thought I would see it in my life.

"I saw you reading the book in first year. You seem so immersed in the book, that I read it myself and saw the festival. I thought it was something that you'd want to see and by the look in your eyes and on your face, I can see I chose right."

I look over at Eita who is yelling a little to be heard. I realised by his words how much I did actually mean to him. I didn't even realise. He looks back to the festival and I follow suit. After the main part of the matsuri was finished, we went to the markets for the festival. Eita told me to sit and he came back with Otokonomi yaki and a little box. He handed me the food first and after I was finished eating, the box. 

Eita gave me a little nod, as if to open it. I did and inside laid the most beautiful little trinket of the bamboo holding the lanterns. The bamboo was made out of china painted brown and green and the lanterns were made out of a translucent/reflective crystal and inside each lantern, just past the kanji, there lays a little hand crafted light and with the darkness of the inside box, I could see that they glowed in the dark. 

After looking over the small trinket, I softly placed it down and lent over. I gave Eita a small kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you, thank you so much. Thank you times a million. I love it and I'll treasure it forever. I really do appreciate it. How did you know that I would like it?"

"Because (First name), I pay attention. I'll say it as many times as I need, I'll do anything to make the girl I love happy."

Even though Eita has said it before, I felt that this time, was the first time that I had felt the full weight, the full impact of his words. The he would really do anything to make me happy. It made me think of Ushijima. We knew barely anything about each other, yet Eita and I knew each other like the back of our hands, although, Eita knew me better. I shake the thoughts out of my head, Eita has done so much to get to this date and to make it perfect for me to think about another person on the date. He deserves my undivided attention. 

After food, it was afternoon and we decided to take the train back. On the train, Eita and I held a conversation about University and other aspects of our lives that we haven't spoken about recently. It was comfortable silence, until Eita said something that touched my heart.

"The date isn't over yet. I still want to spend more time with you. I have one more idea left for this evening, and it's the one I put the most effort into. I really hope you'll like it as much as I do."

I found myself looking forward to it the whole ride back. Two out of the three hours that were required to get back to Sendai had passed, when Eita told me that this was our stop. I hopped off the train with him to see that I was in an unfamiliar suburb. 

We walked a little in the now-late afternoon. The sun had almost set but not quite. We approach a flower bed in a public garden and I see beside it was a little blanket with a basket.

"Is it too cliché?"

"No, Eita. It's cute and I love it."

We both sit and across the pond is some historical buildings. They're surround by trees that give a scenic look in the setting sun. The sun slowly droops behind the building as we lightly chatter to each other. Everything feels so natural and beautiful between us, yet I can't stop thinking of Ushijima.

Once the sun is down, I thought we would be in darkness, but the darkness was replaced by little fairy lights. The lights covered the trees and made a small canape over Eita and I. When the lights came out, Eita brought over the basket and revealed food. There was two small bento boxes that looked full of deliciousness. It really was a sight to behold. 

As we ate, we did natural couple things, feed each other, joked a little, just generally enjoyed each others presence. Then Eita brought out ichigo mochi. It was amazing and obviously home-made - the best kind. 

Afterwards, we packed up the fairly lights and items and went home. On the train ride home, I thought about the trouble he went to today, he really was amazing. Before long, I yawned a little. Eita gentlally placed his hand on my head and guided it to his shoulder. When I looked over, he smiled a little.

"You seem tired. Sleep and I'll wake you up at your station."

With that, I feel into a comfortable sleep. Just as promised though, Eita woke me up at my station and escorted me off the train. Even against my protests, he walked me home as well. When we got to the door, I decided. 

I stood on my tip-toes and placed a kiss on his lips, even though it was a peak, he had earned it. Even if I decided that I want to date Ushijima, Eita had earned that and everything more. He was a gift, but just when I thought he couldn't get any better, (Best friends name)'s father came out. 

"Thank you, Semi. You got her home safe and thank you for asking me to take her out."

"No worries, sir."

Spoken like a true gentleman. Then he went home and I was left to prepare for the date with Ushijima.

Author's note

So I was thinking on  making an Eita/Kawanishi/Oikawa/Iwaizumi book x reader. Thoughts? I'm unsure on which character to choose. I'll get to all of them but which first? 

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