Home - Part 11

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3 June 1940


I looked back at the shore of in the distance. It was evident on Alex's face that we were fucked. There was no swimming back to shore and there were no ships coming in the distance. All there was was a sinking ship and a few soldiers who had made it out with us. We were all just bobbing away as we waited.

After what seemed like hours, I felt my eyes beginning to feel heavy. Even though my life vest was keeping me afloat, my body was still exhausted from being in the water. I was freezing and I knew that Alex had to be as well.

"I'm sorry, Y/N," he whispered.

"For w-what?" I asked.

"Getting you into this," he sighed. "If I wouldn't have treated you like I did before I left, maybe you wouldn't be here."

"I'm here because I'm nurse, Alex," I said. "It had nothing to do with what happened between us."

"I know, but maybe had we been on better terms, things could have been different," he whispered.

"We can't dwell on that now," I sniffled.

"What's that?" Another soldier shouted.

"Is that a boat?" Another asked.

Alex and I turned around and saw what looked like little fishing boats coming ahead. Everyone quickly started raising their hands trying to get the attention and soon a boat arrived pulling each and every one of us onto it.

"We need ya to pack in it as much as you can," the captain said. "We're going to get as many as we can on board."

"Miss, would you a blanket?" One of the other passengers on the boat asked me.

I nodded and wrapped it around myself. "Thank you," I said. "W-Who are you?"

"My name's Andrew," he smiled. "And that's my Dad, William."

"You said you wanted to get as many as you can," Alex said. "You came here for us?"

"Yeah, we all did," Andrew said nodding behind him.

All of us turned around and saw a countless amount of boats both bigger and smaller than the one we were on.


Alex's POV

By the time night had fallen, the boat was being docked. I helped Y/N off the boat and we made our way to the trains that were waiting on us. There were people handing out blankets and food again as we walked forward. I was grateful to have made it safely, but I had this underlying feeling that these people were disappointed in us.

I had been so worried about surviving and making sure Y/N was okay, I never thought about what we would be coming home too. We were sent to fight in a war against the enemy and technically the enemy had won. They backed us up into a corner and we couldn't even save ourselves.

Y/N and I had sat down on the train. I didn't look at her, I couldn't. I couldn't look at anyone.

"What's wrong?" Y/N asked.

"We failed," I sighed. "We fucking failed."

"What are you talking about?" She asked. "We survived, how is that failing?"

"We should never have been put in that situation," I told her. "We never should have backed down to the point where we were fucked there on the beach. We should have done our jobs, the ones we trained for... the ones everyone was counting on."

"Is that what this is about?" She sighed. "Do you think people are going to think less of you because of what happened?"

"I would," I mumbled.

"Alex," she said. "If that was the case, William and all those others wouldn't have risked their lives to save us."

"Don't you get it, Y/N? They shouldn't have to had to save us," I snapped. " We never should have been there, to begin with!"

She jumped a bit, I'm assuming at my tone, which made me regret it instantly, but she didn't understand what I was feeling.

"Just forget it," I mumbled. "We're both exhausted, let's get some sleep."

I turned away from her and heard her sigh. She's probably thinking all these things about what this meant for us now that we were back safely. I should have said something right then to reassure her, but I didn't.

I closed my eyes and went to sleep for the first time in ages.


4 June 1940


By the time the morning light showed through the window of the train, we were close to arriving at the train station. I looked up and over to see Alex was wide awake and looking out the window. We hadn't spoken since we first got on the train and I started to wonder what this would mean for us now that we were back home.

I know he said we'd be together, but after what happened last time, he could go back on his word. When I looked back over at Alex, he was staring at me.

"Morning," I said softly.

He nodded, looking down at his hands. "I'm sorry for snapping at you last night," he said. "I was upset with myself and I took it out on you. I should never have done that."

"Thank you for apologizing," I said. "We've all been through a lot..."

Alex shook his head looking out the window. "There's no excuse for how I acted, other than I'm a real jerk," he sighed. "This is who I fucking am, I fuck everything up..."

"Don't you do that shit, Alex," I said. "Don't start feeling sorry for yourself and saying how I don't deserve you because all you do is fuck everything up. I love you and you're it for me, so I swear if you think about leaving me again, I will hurt you!"

"You're stubborn you know that," he laughed a bit.

"Yeah, but it gets me what I want, so," I shrugged.

"What am I going to do with you?" He asked looking over at me.

"Love me, cook me breakfast, all of it," I smiled.

"I think I can do that," he whispered.

"Good," I smiled.

The train soon pulled into the station, where there was a huge crowd of people, women, men, children, cheering as our train pulled in. Alex and I looked at each other as we peeked out the window.

"See they don't think you failed," I whispered to Alex.

All of a sudden people starting bringing food and drinks to the train. Alex stuck his head out the window and grabbed some bread and a beer before taking a huge swig and bite of the bread. I giggled as I watched the smile grow on his face, something I haven't seen him do in a while.


They're home and alive!!! Yay!!! Also, sorry for not updating this yesterday... I kinda forgot. lol Anyway, if you're enjoying this story so far, then don't forget to like, vote, and comment any feedback! :) 

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