Talkin' Bout My Girl(s) - Part 24

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Alex's POV

The feeling of Y/N being wrapped around my arms was indescribable. The smell of her familiar floral perfume was now mixed with the scent of baby powder. Baby powder? The baby. Our baby.

"Our baby..." I whispered putting my hand on her now, flat belly. "Are they..."

"She's perfect," she smiled.

"She? Our baby is a girl? We made a little girl?" I sniffled.

"We did, and she's right outside in the hallway if you want to meet her," she smiled. "She's with your... she's with your mother."

"My mother?" I asked, clearly taken aback by the news.

If my mother was here, did that mean my father was here too? Surely Y/N wouldn't allow that monster near herself or our daughter.

"My mother's here?" I asked her. "Why? Why is she here? Is my father with her? I swear to god if he laid a hand on you-"

"No, Alex, sweetheart, don't get yourself all worked up," she said softly. "Your father isn't here with your mother. He's never going to bother you or her, or any of us ever again."

"What do you mean?" I whispered. "Mum left him?"

"I... I think it would be better hearing it from her, do you want to talk to her before I bring in Evelyn?" She asked.

"Evelyn?" I whispered. "Wait, that's right, we decided on Evelyn, Evelyn Rose if our baby was a girl. I want to talk to Mum about whatever's going on, but I've waited too bloody long to see our daughter... please bring her in."

She smiled pressing her lips to my severely chapped ones,"Coming right up."

The second Y/N walked away and out of the room. I felt butterflies in my stomach. This was it, the moment I had been hoping and praying for, for ages. The moment I thought I'd never get to experience. However, now that I am, what if it doesn't go how I dreamed of it going.

What if I hurt her?

Or what if I drop her?

What if she doesn't like me?

What if I scare her?

What if... what if I'm not the father she deserves and it would have been better for her if I never came back?

The door opened up again and I had to push those thoughts aside. I couldn't let my fears and all these what if's be clouding my mind when I held my baby girl for the first time. I wonder how big she'll be or if she'll still look like a little newborn.

Y/N carried her in, my mother standing at a safe distance behind her. She looked older, a little more frail than when I last saw her, but she looked happy. As Y/N walked closer towards my bed, all I could see was a little bundle of blankets.

"Do you want to hold her?" Y/N smiled.

"Very much so," I sniffled.

She smiled and sat up on the side of my bed. I held out my arms and she gently and slowly placed the bundle in them.

"Hold her head up, like this," she whispered.

I nodded, placing my hand right where Y/N's had just been and looked down at the greenest pair of eyes I've ever seen. Tears filled my eyes and my heart grew twenty sizes as I held her in my arms.

"She's beautiful," I whispered.

The baby in my arms stared up at me with wide eyes. She wasn't super tiny, but she felt tiny in my arms. I brought my finger up to her hand and she wrapped it around me.

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